Chapter 1

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I sigh and put my head back on my hospital pillow. My Make A Wish application is finally going to be sent. I'm so happy I got my doctor: Dr. Hills, to sign it. I never thought that I'd need Make A Wish. I'm only 20. I have so many-had, so many plans, wishes and dreams! I wanted to travel the world, become an actress, fall in love. I've never had anyone be interested in me, you know? I wanted to get married, become a mom, have 3 kids, a boy and then twins 1 boy and 1 girl. As dumb as it sounds, I wanted to dye my hair purple. Not that I have very much of it left. 4 years ago I got diagnosed with cancer, kidney cancer. I went through multiple rounds of chemo, transplants, the works. 1 1/2 years ago, I was told I was misdiagnosed and that it wasn't kidney cancer, that it was something that they have never seen before, so they named it N-35. The N is for Nikky, my name and I'm not sure what the 35 is for. I spent 2 1/2 years, being miserable, being treated for the wrong disease. If I wasn't living on borrowed time, I would sue. I would sue HARD, for malpractice, but what's the point of anything, when I'm going to die in 5 months. Its not like I have any family to live for. My parents had zero siblings, I'm an only child. My dad died when I was almost 2. My mom's in jail for killing her father-in law, my grandpa and everybody else is dead. The only thing that gives me joy anymore is Marvel movies. My favorite is Spider-Man. He's always been my favorite, ever since I was a little girl. I admire Tom Holland, he always has people's best interests in heart and he's such a good actor. The American accent is good, so good, that I thought he was American for a long time. Oh, I'm American by the way. I'm using what I'm calling my "final wish" of sorts to be able to meet Tom Holland and tell him that I admire him. I've always felt close to Peter Parker, (Tom's character that he plays in the MCU) I want Tom Holland's face to be the last face I see before I pass.

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