We should probably get them from under that building...

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"No, absolutely not. Nico is most definitely not going to shadow travel us there. He already broke the rule by taking me and himself here" Will ranted furiously. "I just won't allow. Doctors orders" he said firmly. Nico just rolled his eyes and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"Will, I love you, but I really don't care right now"

"Am I the only one who doesn't understand what's happening here?" Tony whispered.

Leo leaned over to him. "Yea you're just an idiot"

"ExCuSe Me?"

"Okay I'm going to do it" Nico said raising his arms.

"I swear to the gods Nico, no kisses for a whole mon-" Will was suddenly cut off as the shadows enveloped the group of people and they reappeared in front of the large pile of rubble.

Tony looked at his hands in complete confusion and whispered to himself.

"What the frick just happened..."
Leo rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Although it was quite difficult because of the get along shirt.
"That was shadow travelling you uncultured swine"
"Insult me ONE MORE TIME"

"Okay" Reyna said, taking charge "Annabeth, are they dead?"

Annabeth wasted no time in inspecting the pile of rubble thoroughly. After a few minutes of mental calculations he opened her mouth to speak.

"We're not going to understand anything she says" Jason whispered to Piper.

"Well judging from the trajectory of which the-" Natasha was quick to interrupt " I don't know you very well but I can tell this would take a while"

"Right" Annabeth cleared her throat "to keep it short, Percy is an idiot, but he's a smart idiot. He's managed to make a dome like thing that's keeping up the rubble. I can tell because of how there is a section of rubble that is slightly more elevated than the rest."

"I don't know about you but that" Clint said pointing to the rubble "has a very low survival rate" nobody listened to him. Apart from Will, who looked like he had been blessed by hearing Clint speak.

"Wait" Bucky interrupted "why don't we just get your friend to teleport him out-oh..... right" Nico was passed out on Wills shoulder. Will, needless to say, was not a happy camper. Though he was still looking at Clint admirably, his head snapped immediately to Bucky at the suggestion of shadow travelling.

He slowly turned and glared intensely at Bucky "first of all, it's not teleportation it's shadow travelling and I swear to the gods if you dare make Nico shadow travel I will hospitalise you myself"

There was a long silence and Bucky took a step back nervously.

"calm down there Doc, it's obvious we need to come up with something else" Leo said clapping his hands together in excitement.

"Well"Hazel started "we obviously can't just blow everything up" Tony looked as if he was about to say something.

"That would be a terrible idea." Frank added.

"So we need to think about this logically" Natasha added in. Reyna gave an approving look.

"Did nobody listen when I said he probably didn't survive that" Clint said while trying to stop Will from stealing a sample of his hair.

"If we are Speaking logically, we should figure out where he is" Piper added in.

Hazel's eyes brightened and she stepped forward "I could use my underground powers to do that"

"You know I really feel like I missed something" Clint said "why are yall so accepting about this"

"First of all mr Clint" Peter said "I think we all just accepted that are lives are weird and second, really? Y'all?"

Clint just shrugged while Annabeth subtly brought out her bug spray and flashed it threateningly at Peter.

"Moving on"Reyna said, taking command of the situation again " Hazel, do your thing"

Hazel walked forward and placed her hands on the rubble. She closed her eyes in concentration.

There was a long wait.

Tony leaned over and whispered to Bruce. "Is this meant to do something?"

Hazel finally stepped back "he's a bit further up and nearer the centre of the rubble"

"Right, thanks Hazel" Reyna said.

"Guys," Annabeth said suddenly "I have an idea"

Meanwhile, under several tons of rubble

"You know I always thought I would die heroically taking an arrow to save my friend or sacrificing myself to save the world. Or being sacrificed in the first place. I speak from experience, someone wanting to sacrifice you to destroy the world is not fun. But this is so average. Like come on fates if I'm going to go at least make it cool."

Steve gave Percy a look.

"There are so many things wrong with that sentence I don't even know where to start"

"Yeah I get what you mean man" Percy was idly laying with his back on the rough floor while Steve was sitting cross legged staring in grim fascination at the kid who was practically falling asleep with boredom in their death chamber.

"Uggggggggghhh I'm so bored. At this rate I might as well die from boredom"

Steve just sighed and covered his face in his hands.

"Do you have any uno cards" Percy said suddenly.

"No" Steve said looking up "why would I-"

"Because I do" Percy said, taking out a packet that had been stashed away in his pocket."

"You know what, at this point I might as well"

Percy smirked and sat up "You're going down old man"

"Who're you calling old man?"

"We'll settle this like real men"

Percy won a surprising amount of times, despite insisting on only placing blue cards down.



I actually posted something.

Yea I know technically I didn't post on the 26 but I was only about an hour late soooooooooooooo.
It works. Sorry for being lazy.

But on the bright side, we are approaching the end of the book. I'd say 2 or 3 more chapters so yea
Thx for reading!

Ps. Constructive criticism is welcome and greatly appreciated.

Tony steals a pufferfish (Percy Jackson and the Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now