Tiny Dancer

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"Must stick it must stick it." I mumbled to myself repeating the jete but still not landing en pointe.


Oh hi, how rude.

I'm Luci, but you can call me Luna. I'm 18 years old and I'm a professional ballerina, I work in London as a celebrity dance coach, I teach celebrities to dance.

I live in a apartment complex with 35 floors which is a pain when the lift is broken, I have a Great Dane called Nino.

"LUCI JERGENS! WHERE ARE YOU!" my boss Cleo yelled.

"In my studio, where I always am." I whispered to myself before she appeared at the door.

"There you are doll face, I have a assignment for you," she spoke gently in the thick Southern American accent, Cleo was a retired west-end dancer or 'show girl'.

"Oh cool, what is it?" I asked pulling myself off the floor, using the barre as a support.

"It's not huge, just choreography for a small teenage boy band, apparently they're about to hit the big time." she smiled simply.

"Great thanks, when are they coming in?" I grinned, what more could a teenage girl want? Teaching a group of maybe hot teenage boys to dance. Wow.

"Tomorrow at 9.15am." She told me sticking the memo to my notice board and dismissing herself.

Hold up 1 second, did she say choreograph? I'm not a choreographer, I've never made up an entire dance in my life, they make them I dance them! Not the other way around.

Sensing trouble ahead.

I untied my pointe shoes, leaving them on the floor and walked over to my little built in storage cupboard which had all sorts in, every colour of pointe shoe, tutus, first aid stuff, costumes, even sports bras and underwear.

I dug about for a little chucking scrunchies and bobby pins all over the floor and grabbing the hot pink A3 note-pad and the only pen in there, with a ballerina tutu topper on the top.

How adorably mature.

Sitting on the floor huddled over the paper pad, how many guys are in this band? What style band is it? Do they have any previous dance experience? How the hell am I supposed to choreograph a band I know little about.

"Fuck it!" I whispered to myself, storming out of my studio, leaving mess all over the place.

Tiny DancerWhere stories live. Discover now