Chapter 3

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"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get him down; I can't deal with this torture anymore." Evangeline begged. She was covering her ears, eyes shut tightly as if she could make it go away with that simple gesture. "Yeah Fenrys," Aelin remarked, "Control your property. "
"He isn't my property, you ass,"
"The way you shut his suitors down without his consent suggested otherwise," she smirked. Fenrys gave her a long look, which she returned with equal intensity, before he disappeared and reappearing with Percys ear gripped firmly between his dark fingers. They did the magic disappearing act (Bang and the boys are gone)

Yes, I said male. Perseus Achilles Jackson is a male.

You are confused, I know. And that is why I, the amazing narrator, shall give you some perspective.

I know, I'm too kind.

Once upon a time, on a far away island that goes by the name of Long, a hero was trapped. His friends and foe alike did not realize his distress, and treated him the same. The barriers of seemed to close in on him and his nightmares became more vivid each night and soon he was dreaming lucidly.

A daughter of wisdom was aware that there was an issue with the hero, but even her advanced mind could not figure out what the issue was, or how to solve it. In secret she observed him, and though the hero was the bravest, and the most loyal he wasn't the smartest.

He just wasn't.

Long story short his dumb ass ran away, found a strange urging to draw wrydmarks, jumped into the portal, landed in Orynth.

The moral of this story is don't be reckless. Or, in other words, Percy's ideas are stupid.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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