Uma x Tate - Meeting

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Fun fact about Underland magic, it's unpredictable at best and an absolute fucking pain in my ass at worst.

Now I know what you're thinking. How the hell do I have magic? Well, the best answer I can really give to that question is actually Auntie Mirana, the White Queen's, theory. Because I was born from an Underland parent and an Upperland parent, I'm the literal embodiment of curious unusualness. And because of that, the magic that lurks in Underland attached itself to me in it's unpredictable and downright weird fashion.

With the risk of making a double entendre, for as long as I can remember I've been able to shrink and enlarge things and, after some practice, people as well as bring inanimate objects to life. Learning about that one was a bit of a scare to be honest. Imagine being four years old and suddenly in the dead of night you wake up to the jack-in-box on your nightstand singing a really grim song about the two halves of his body being separated.

I didn't leave my parents bed for a week and jack-in-a-boxes were no longer allowed in the house or anywhere near me.

My favorite and least favorite part of my magic though is the ability to create portals or 'rabbit holes' if we're sticking to some of the terms in my parents' story. It's a favorite because I can visit Esme, Ben, Malia, and Mia whenever I want and we can get into whatever kind of shenanigans we find ourselves wanting to get into at the time.

Now there are two parts to the least favorite part. Number one being that I never know where exactly I'm going to land. Sometimes a rabbit hole will open up in weird directions which means flying at weird angles and landing, often painfully, in really weird spots. Number two is that sometimes I'll open a rabbit hole without meaning to and end up someplace completely random.

One of many of these moments that, but unlike most of the said moments, will forever stay in my memory happened when I was seven years old. It was when I met the girl that would take, claim, and destroy my heart.

How it happened I don't really remember; either I was mad about something that someone said or was just downright curious about the Isle of The Lost for one reason or another. Because next thing I know I'm falling down, down, down into darkness. Sometime later the darkness gave away to what I guess could be considered daylight, but far more dim than what I was used to before falling onto a box that immediately gave away under my weight. My breath stuttered as it was knocked out of me when I landed on my back, so I waited until it was back to normal before sitting up and climbing out of the box.

I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. The boxes and crates around me were in various states of deterioration, and I can faintly smell something rotten inside. I began walking until I heard waves against what sounded like wood and/or rocks, I followed the sound until coming to what looked like a pier. And seeing King Adam and Queen Belle's castle across the bay, I felt my entire being freeze.

If I can see their castle across the ocean from here, that means I'm on the Isle of the Lost.

Oh Absolem I've really done it now.

My line of panicked thinking was cut off by a screech of pure anger as well as the sound of something being hit. Since I was still a little freaked out, but still oh so very curious because, you know, it's kind of in my genes I cautiously approached where I'm pretty sure the noise came from. When I peeked around the corner, seven-year-old me froze, awestruck at the sad and angry beauty before me. Her teal curls flew wildly as she screeched and punched at the boxes, taking out her anger on the rotting pieces of cardboard.

I didn't move or say anything to alert her of my presence, I was a little more focused on how fast my heart was beating and not getting caught in her line of fire. Turns out I didn't really need to because, after a while, the pretty girl turned before slumping against a crate with angry tears beginning to brim in her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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