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Author's note


Hey guys, this is my new story. It has nothing to do with my other story. It's a combination of Girl meets world and the mortal instruments. If you haven't read the mortal instruments, it's okay, I'll try explain everything, but I might miss a few things, so if you have any questions, DM me on my Instagram account @meetingworld. I hope you guys like it. Enjoy :-)

It was a gloomy day. Huge, dark clouds covered the entire sky, blocking any possible light coming from the sun. The thick drops of rain patterned against the rocky pavement and damaged roofs.

Clary groaned. Some nice weather would be nice once in while. She hasn't seen the sun in a week.

A flash of lighting illuminated the whole sky for a millisecond, then it returned to it's drab and dull coal-black color.

She walked into the restaurant she was supposed to meet Jace and the Lightwoods at. The room was dim, and almost as gloomy and obscure as outside. There was a strange, dark feel to the place, as if some demons decided to have diner there. She inhaled a strong musty smell, and almost gagged. She looked around the small, quiet restaurant and didn't question why there were only 3 tables occupied. A hairy, bulky man approached her.

"Welcome to Crackers. Do you have a reservation?" He asked monotonously.

"Um..." She wasn't sure, Jace never told her if he reserved.

"With all due respect, I doubt we would need to reserve." Said a male voice behind her. "You don't exactly have a huge line up in the front of this place."

Clary spun around and saw Jace.

He crinkled his nose.

"And it smells like an eternity of dudes sweaty armpits in here."

He smiled at her and took her hand. She gladly let him take it. After everything they've both been through, she thought they deserved to be happy.

Last year, she had just found out she her parents were shadowhunters. She never met her father, until she was pulled into the world of shadowhunters. That's were she met Jace, Alec, Isabelle, and many of her other friends. And she finally met her father, another shadowhunter named Valentine. Turns out, he was plotting to completely wipe out the shadowhunters and downworlders. Downworlder is the category the vampires, werewolves, warlocks and faeries were placed in. Because of Valentine's pure hatred for the Clave, he wanted to not only rule, but rid the world of shadowhunters forever. He failed miserably, and ended up dead.

She spotted Alec and Isabelle, who just walked in. The bulky man didn't even acknowledge them nor did he acknowledge Jace's many disparaging comments.

"I missed you." He said, gazing into her eyes.

She grinned.

"I saw you yesterday."

"A day is 24 hours. 24 hours is 1440 minutes. 1440 minutes is 86 400 seconds. 86 400 secondes is too long for Jace Herondale and Clary Fray to be separated." He said poetically, using their last names to emphasize his already much emphasized point.

Clary laughed and went to sit down at the nearest table. Jace and the Lightwooods followed.

Once they were all seated Alec cleared his throat. His face turned grim.

"We need to talk about this." He said.

Jace rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Of course we have to do everything, because the Clave is too busy being the Clave." He spat the last word out.

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