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"Do you still smoke?" Richie asks as he pulls out a pack of cigarettes from a pocket on his jacket. He carefully places one between his lips. I notice the small differences in his appearance since I last saw him. His hair is shorter and styled in less protruding spikes and rather just messily sticking out from his head. He's got a couple of more rings in his ear, and a few more patches and stuff on his jacket. All and all it's minor changes, but it's a stab to my heart with the reminder that I missed a year of progression in everybody's lives.

"Yeah of course, gotta have some vice left," I scoff and grab a cig for myself from him.

"I doubt it's the only vice you've got left. Have you not broken anything since you came back?" Richie chuckles lowly between his lips and the cigarette.

My mind immediately travels to the incident only a few hours before in the principal quarters. It's a quick flash before all the other recent memories that applies to the topic fill my head. An awkward smile accompanied by a blush on my pale cheeks confirm the theory for him. He knows me to well.

"Fuck you." I shove his shoulder. "But I will let you know that I had to get home from Pennsylvania without money. So a little bit of blackmailing was in order for my survival. The harm done wasn't too bad."

After my justified explanation Richie is doubled over from laughter. The hoarse laugh is accompanied by the sound of the shuffling metal on his jacket against his jeans. It's all music to my ears.

"Damn I missed you," he smiles and wipes some tears from the corners of his eyes. I lean my head on his shoulder. We sit for a couple of more minutes before the bells ring for second period. We stand up and head towards the building. We part for our separate classes but decide to hang out later in the week to catch up.

And so the school day goes on. It's mostly filled with confusion on trying to understand where each class is taking off, even though I'm caught up on paper it's another story in real life. It's not to difficult though, in a couple of days I will be on the same page as anyone else.


A couple of days later and my theory is reality.

I haven't been back for a week yet before mrs Sawyer calls me to her office to talk to me about college, since I'm now caught up with high school. I very kindly decline her guidance and back out of her office. The same assistant is outside and she glares at me like I'm the root to all misery in her life. Thinking about it, a broken coffee cup might be the worst thing that has happened to her. I scoff as I pass her. People are morons.

I walk through the halls and decide that it's unnecessary for me to go back to class today  since the day is over soon anyway. I get to the parking lot and jump up to sit on a stone wall to wait for Steve. I pull out a cigarette and light it, taking a long drag from it as I lean back on my hands and dangle my feet in the air. I see how the middle school empties from where I'm sitting. Kids get their bikes and head off to wherever their going, home most likely. One girl with a skateboard heads to the high school parking lot however. She skates around the lot, must be waiting for a ride like me. The sound of wheels swirling around on hard pavement is surprisingly relaxing. I watch the girl since she's the only one here to look at. She has red hair whipping around her head as she skates, and a hard look set on her face. She casts suspicious glances at me frequently when she notices me staring. I can't help the amused smirk on my face when I notice small details indicating how the girl crumbles under my intense stare. She gets less focused on the skating with every glance my way confirming to her that I'm still watching.

There's no other kid in Hawkins who skates that I know of. And she's the only one who gets to catch a ride from school. Either she's too cool or she's outcast.

"Are you a freak?" I call out to her. She whips her head around and stops skating.

"Excuse me?" She huffs while glaring at me. I chuckle. I thought I would get a stutter for a response if anything. I take the cig between my fingers and tap it so ashes snow onto the pavement beneath the wall I sit on.

"I am," I smirk and take a drag from my cig before tossing it away. She looks at me with a facial expression of confusion mixed with intrigue.

"Are you waiting for your older boyfriend?" I ask her.

"Ew no," she scrunches up her face in disgust and I start to laugh. She starts to skate again but slower so she can converse with me at the same time. "I'm waiting for my step brother."

"Ah," I nod my head and pull out another cigarette. "I'm waiting for my brother too. Do you think they're might off screwing each other?"

I throw my head back in laughter to the horrified expression spreading across her face along with a deep red blush on her cheeks.

"You are a freak," she says. I look up and smile at her.

"Told you."

I watch her skate around. She seems mature for her age, and a bit weird. I like her. The bell rings for the end of the day before teenagers starts to spill from the entrance and onto the parking lot.

"I'm Sherry," I tell the girl before it gets to crowded and before our rides arrive to take us away.

"Max," she simply responds.

"And I'm Billy," a voice says from our right. Max jumps of her skateboard and tucks it under her arm as I turn to look at the addition to the conversation. I don't recognise him so he must be her step brother, new in town as well. He's got blonde curls reaching his shoulders, and a tan that is not attainable in the Hawkins weather. He is dressed in tight fitting jeans, similar to something my brother would wear as well, and he's got a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. I have to admit that he's cute, probably has Tina and Vicki running after him all ready, but the way Max seem to bow her head when he arrived makes me not like him. He must be a prick.

"I'm so glad we could have this cheery little conversation but we will have to continue another time." He says sarcastically and nods his head towards a blue Camaro parked right in front of where I'm still sitting. Max climbs into the passenger side of the car as Billy walks around to the driver side. I jump down from the wall I've been perched on and goes to squeeze myself between the Camaro and the car next to it when Billy turns to me instead of getting into his car. We stare each other down. He's not that much taller than me, being a tall girl and all, not that it would've made me cower.

"You know, I recognise you," he says lowly, "jus' been to principal when you barged in, smashing cups and threatening the staff."

A small smile plays on his lips, and I can't miss the sense of admiration it holds behind it.

"I'm good at getting my way." I say and bat my eyelashes innocently. Billy chuckles and takes out his cigarette before he licks his lips and leans in closer, which causes me to lean back instinctively.

"You were all the talk in the showers after gym as well. Got told how the freaky chick was back in town, and how she's probably been starving for a while."

"You're pathetic and disgusting," I say and push at his chest to get some distance.

"May be so, but I'm good at getting my way too."

I clench my jaw to contain my anger before I get violent with him. In the corner of my eye I see Steve walking up to his car. He has discovered me and Billy, and is watching us intently. He's surely wondering what kind of conversation we're having, if we're friendly or fighting. I take a step back from the brooding boy in front of me.

"My ride is here," I say and smile sarcastically. I'm relieved to end the conversation and be released from the unwanted attention Billy causes. He looks around to see who I'm referring to.

"Didn't take Harrington as your type," He says when he notices Steve staring at us. I laugh to myself.

"No? Well incest is just my thing," I say over my shoulder as I head over to my brother's car and climb into the passenger seat.

Clean cut American kid ~ Stranger thingsWhere stories live. Discover now