j i m i n | o n e

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He was ugly. His thighs were flabby, his cheeks swollen, his stomach had rolls, and his hands were pathetically small.

That's how Jimin saw himself at least. He hated his body, he wore clothes that covered everything no matter the weather and his arms were covered in scars and scabs from the scratching. Whenever the self loathing was too much to take, he would scratch his flab until it bled, praying the blood loss would make him thinner, then withdrawing for days without food or human interaction when it didn't.

He was a dancer when he was younger, and it was probably the insane standards expected of ballet dancers that caused his body Dysmorphia. Eventually he hated his body too much to dance and quit the activity altogether.

He worked at a coffee shop and lived with his best friend, who he clung to as if his life depended on it.

He was abandoned by his birth parents when he was four, and latched onto anyone he deemed caring to fill in as his caretaker. It was when he had too many scars that his friend forced him to go into inpatient care.

Jimin felt betrayed by his only friend, but did improve while institutionalized, which was attributed to his antidepressants and therapy.

He was diagnosed with Dependent Personality Disorder but not treated for it, and that Disorder was manifested in his extreme dependence on his new best friend, Hoseok. He was relieved to be released at the same time as his closest friend, but wanted to disappear when the group session started.

When the rude man who introduced himself as Seokjin insulted him Jimin couldn't help but pick at his arms, breaking several old scabs. As soon as Hoseok noticed the behavior he grabbed both of Jimin's hands in one of his own and used the other to comb through his hair soothingly, comforting the boy amidst the chaos surrounding him.

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