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3 months later

The last three months have been a blur of happiness, tears and craziness though I have finally settled back in at home and everything is back to normalI still talk to the Moon Goddess every now and then in my dreams. Unfortunately while I was away my grandpa had died which had shocked me because he had been in perfect health when I had been taken. I have stopped doing intense training on my elements and started focusing on living life to the fullest. We are still recovering from the battle and I am still slightly in shock from how much power I had and the power of my locket. We are lucky enough that one of my cousins was given the power of future telling so we will know when we need to prepare for battle. All is good and calm at the moment and thats the way I hope it shall stay this way!


It's done and here is my new prologue for Lucifer's Curse:

God heard the cry as if the child was right there in front of him. At last the child God had been waiting for for what seemed to be centuries though looking at the clock on the wall it had been. Nearly three billion years ago Lucifer had placed his curse on humans. It had been horrible watching the humans again and again go through the same motions of life they would always get to somewhere in the 2000's and then the ice would come erasing all history and a few thousand years later humans would live again and start the process and nothing God could do would stop it but now with this child just born maybe there was some hope.

God started muttering to himself as he walked around his kitchen the blindingly white walls glaring at him and the food in the open cupboards made his mouth water. One thing hand had always over done was imagining heaven they always thought it was something like lolly land or kingdoms made of clouds but really it was pretty much the same as earth except on clouds though there was no form of money you were given what you needed and if you did a selfless deed that changed someone's day you were allowed one thing you wanted it was such a harmonious way heaven worked, God took a lot of pride having one of his creations be so magnificently amazing you see when a humans died they were either sent to heaven or hell depending on how kind of cruel their lives were. There were no major differences between heaven or hell except in hell things were rougher plus if you were sent to hell you would become a demon or one of the other dark creatures but if you came to heaven you would be an angel no ifs buts or maybes.

As Gods old rickety watch chimed God vanished into thin air to appear at the child that would change the word without knowing, a child with raven black hair but a soul of pure goodness with the tint of darkness, a child with the blood of an angel and a demon soaring through it, the first child like this ever though only a child but because of the blood that runs through her veins the chance of a normal life is lost and as God stared down into the wide blue eyes of this chubby baby he felt sad for the child looking around at where she was it was obvious that the parents cared about her the walls were painted the happiest yellows and pinks and little books were stacked in the bookcase and the crib was one of the most beautiful works of art that s baby ever had the luck to sleep in but as he spoke the words that changed her future forever he felt a frown form on his face

"You are the hope of the human race and life as we know it. You are the one who shall sort good from bad and keep the balance for all that will come. You have the powers of both dark and light making you both wise and deadly. You will be the hope of our world and way of living. I name you Hope for that is what we need in these dark dark times. Goodbye my dear."

And with that God turned on his heel and vanished with a feeling of guilt in his stomach and a crying baby confused as ever.

When God arrived back in his house he realised the mistake he made. He couldn't leave the child there not after the immense power he had given her he decided he had to do what he had to do and that was to do a Harry Potter as the humans would call it he would have to take her to live in the world she created and when she matures then he could let her know of the heritage.

So with that thought in his mind God returned to the child's house and whisked her away to a home where she would be loved and cared for. His last words he spoke to the child was

"Good luck Hope may this life bring you joy and happiness but a sense of balance because that is the job you will need. Goodbye Hope I will watch over you my child in a sense."

He placed the child on the doorstep with a note and vanished into the darkness hoping that this family wouldn't be like what Harry had to suffer.

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