Chapter Twenty-Six

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Seth already has a cappuccino in front of him when I get to The Rooster. I order one too at the coffee bar and go to sit across from him.

"Okay. Tell me everything." His eyes are greedy and he has a huge stupid smile across his face.

"Uh." I look around noticing the people surrounding us. Sure, they're focused on their own drinks, conversations, or newspapers but there are some words that immediately piques someone's interests. "When we're outside."

"It's cold," Seth grumbles.

"You'll be fine." He catches me staring at his puffy coat on the back of his chair and rolls his eyes. "Coats can only do so much. What are we supposed to talk about now?"

I prop my head on my hands. "How's the college search going?"

This only seems to depress him judging by the way his eyes drop to his drink. "My search isn't that interesting. I'm going to the community college, remember? I'm not spending a ton of money and then find out I don't like it. What about you? You and Kali going to be roomies?" He winks.

"Yeah, right," I whisper. I take a long sip of my drink. "We revisited that subject and we're requesting the same building but letting the randomness of roommates work its magic. The percentage of gay girls at that college is high. I'm sure Kali will meet the girl of her dreams." I can't help the bitterness in my voice.

Seth raises his eyebrows. "Catty," he says, but doesn't follow it up with another question. "I'm giving up on love but am planning on finding some single friends."

"That's probably a good idea." I lean over and say as quiet as I can, "they're together right now?"

"Probably," Seth says, not bothering to lower his voice. "They're always together."

It's been almost five months since they became an official secret couple and I'm surprised to see Seth stuck in this rut. He's not a romantic by any means but if they've gone this long and are still happy, I don't know why he's waiting for Elliot to betray Imari. "Are you really worried about them not working out? Do you think he's going to do something?"

Seth pushes his fingers through his hair. "I don't think so. We don't all hang out much because it's hard enough to keep this secret as it is. Once, I let them come to my house when my mom was out. Not to do anything like that," he clarifies when he sees my disgusted face. "But just to spend time together and they're definitely in love. They're still gross but he really does care for him. Imari's lucky." He says this last part a little wistfully and I feel rage at the person who hurt him over the summer. What an asshole.

I finish the last of my cappuccino and let the subject drop. Seth might be lying but it's better than insisting on their relationship becoming a train wreck. "Ready to go for a walk or do you think we're going to freeze?"

"I think the conversation we're about to have will warm me up," he says. This gets a look by a girl our age nearby. She watches us both as we walk out the café. When I turn around to see her still watching, she gives me a thumbs up. I want to mouth 'he's gay' to her, but I let her think what she wants. The real story I'm about to tell is a lot more interesting anyway.

We follow the path Kali and I always follow along the lake. The wind is blowing but in short gusts and it's more revitalizing than painful.

Seth pulls out a beanie from his pocket and shoves it on his head. "Do you think I could get away with smoking here?" I give him a look, and he shrugs one shoulder. "Yeah probably not."

We walk in silence and I feel like I can breathe out here. Instead of panicking like I thought I would with all that's been on my mind, my shoulders relax and I look around. It's at nothing in particular but just to be here, breathing in the cold air and hearing the snow crunch underfoot. The moon reflects off the frozen bits of lake and out in the center, the water is inky black. I watch the water lap against the icy shore and breathe in with the waves.

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