WAREHOUSE KIDS[Short Story Version]

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  • Dedicated to My Grandmother

Warehouse Kidz

Dear Reader,

Before I go on, this is the before version of Warehouse Kids. It was just a little story, but now in a newer version I am making it longer. This is where it all began though. I have to say I am excited for when I release the full story.

            This story contains a massive amount of gore, even if it is written. It is extremely detailed, if you are one who faints at the slightest of the mentioning of blood, you shouldn’t read this. I have given you this warning. You shall continue if you dare. You have been warned.



 Chapter One

A school lunch tray made a loud bang onto a lunch table, the girl who slammed it appeared to be at least 12 years old. Her light blue eyes were staring out to two boys, about the same age, who were sitting in front of her.

“So, what’s the plan for Halloween, Amy?” one of the boys asked excitedly. The smaller boy shrugged his shoulders slightly as he cowered in his chair. Amy flipped her long blonde hair as she gave them a smirk, “We’re going to stay at the old Warehouse!” she announced, “Stacey dared me too, so if I’m going you guys are too. That means no backing out! Ok, Cole?”

Cole simply just made a low whimper before slugging down more in his chair, “Ok, that means you and Dylan owe me an ice cream,” he said quietly.

Cole huddled in the back of his room. Something about him wasn’t quite right. Was it just the fact that he was just about sweating through his gray sweat jacket, or was it something more? He wrapped his arms around his knees and began to rock back and forth. The boy made a small choking sound as he began to cry and dig his head under his arms. I can’t do this, he thought to himself.

It’s time.

Cole jerked up as he heard a deep voice in the back of his mind, even though it was probably just his mind playing tricks on him; he answered like whatever just spoke to him was sitting right in front of him. “What do you want?” He said as he shrugged more into the corner of his room. His green eyes wide, looking like he was just about in a trance.

You know what want! I want out.

“Just leave me alone! Mom! Dad!” He called out; it was only just that time when he remembered that they weren’t home. He was all alone.

Let me out!

A loud ringing filled the room as his shelves started shaking, his bed shaking as well, his posters ripping off the ceiling and wall, and his door shutting and closing at a rapid pace.

“Get out of my head!” Cole screamed as he slammed his hands over his ears. The ringing only got louder and louder. “Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP!”

I said, ‘LET ME OUT.’

“Fine!” Cole screamed as everything fell silent. “The warehouse, I’ll do it at the warehouse.” He covered his face as he cried softly, “Amy, Dylan, I’m so sorry”, and repeated that phrase until he had the strength in him to get up and head into the kitchen. He stood silently in front of the knife holder. His black hair covered his eyes as he looked down at the ground. His gaze retreated back towards the knives as he reached for the largest one. He tucked it away in the large pocket that sat on the belly of his sweat jacket. He then grabbed a flashlight and headed out.

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