Chapter 11

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I had been sleeping dreamlessly when the phone went off, waking me up. I blinked my eyes open, glancing at the caller ID.

'Belikov,' I answered, sitting up in the bed.

'Sorry to wake you up, Dimitri. A student is very adamant about seeing you. It seems serious.'

Well...wonder who that could be. 'It's Hathaway, isn't it?'

'Yep. So—you never know. Might be another one of her tricks.'

Rose was plenty troublesome, but I didn't think she'd bother to alert an authority figure if it wasn't serious. In that case, she would have just slipped on by, heedless of the consequences.

'I'm coming.'

I dressed hastily, running a hand through my hair before leaving the room. I headed over to Rose's dormitory, taking the stairs three steps at a time. When I opened the door to the hall, Rose and the matron were standing there, looking up at my entry. Rose was pacing back and forth, clearly agitated over something.

'Lissa,' I said, instantly guessing the source of her worry.

She nodded. Without another word, I turned around and started back down the stairs. Rose followed. We walked across the quad in silence, toward the Moroi dorm. Despite the lack of sleep, I felt awake and alert. The sun had that effect on me. I turned my face up, glad for the vitamin D. Sometimes I regretted living in perpetual darkness—back in Siberia, my family didn't have to. I felt a small pang of grief then. I missed my sisters, my grandmother, but above all, my mother. I needed to call them soon. It had been too long.

I cleared my head once we entered the dorm. Together, we approached the matron stationed there. She gaped when she caught sight of us, though she soon recognised me.

'Is anything wrong?' she asked, beginning to frown.

'The Dragomir princess is in trouble,' I explained, looking down at Rose.

'She's in the bathroom,' she told us, though there was something hidden in her expression. The matron started to follow her, but Rose turned, blocking the path. 'She's too upset. Let me talk to her alone first.'

Rose's gaze flicked to me. I had to believe that whatever was bothering the princess was personal. It wouldn't help Lissa's case if authority figures barged in on her. She would want to see a friendly face first.

'Yes,' I agreed, nodding at Rose. 'Give them a minute.'

Rose pushed the door open. 'Liss?' she called gently. The door closed behind her, shutting off the noise.

I leaned against the counter, gaze fixing absently on the floor. For what felt like the twentieth time, I wondered what was going on with the princess. I was her assigned guardian, and although I didn't have to perform those duties to her here at school, I would eventually—in less than half a year. I needed to know what was up with her if I was going to do a good job of guarding her.

'So, do you believe it?'

I looked up at the matron, confused by her question.

'The bond, I mean. I heard....'

News travelled fast, even among staff. 'It's true.'

The matron looked amazed. 'It certainly is convenient,' she said, before tuning back into her own thoughts.

Wondering what was taking the girls so long, I knocked on the door. 'Rose?'

'Just a sec,' she called.

I stepped away, but the matron frowned with suspicion. 'We're coming in,' she called, opening the door. Since the matron was about two heads shorter than me, I saw right over her head. And what I saw filled me with alarm. I raced to their sides in an instant, eyes locking on the blood on Lissa's face.

Dimitri's POV in Vampire Academy (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now