prologue | awaken

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Did you ever believe in reincarnation?

"Damn it, [Name]! Come back to us!"

No, you didn't. It doesn't exist.

"[Name], don't give up. Don't give up, please."

It was only a story that was told to those who grieved too hard when comrades died in missions. Reincarnation never existed.

"Stay... Stay for us. Stay for me."

You had no chance. Your life was over. Your story was coming to an end.

"I'll kill him, 'ttebane...!"

A pathetic end.

"Kushina, she's gone... Calm down, it isn't good for your health."

Kakashi, Kushina, Minato, Rasa, Karura, and... Naruto.

I'm sorry.

"Hokage-sama, while her sacrifice defeated him, I'm afraid our jōnins aren't enough to hold the Nine-Tails back."

"Understood... For Konoha..."

"For [Name]."

• • • • •

While heros weep
Their people cheer
Happiness to trade
The peoples of fear

Lay down your fist
For those held dear
Though lest we forget
Those held too near

A broken soul
Split seven times
Sixt time's a charm
Five times they cried

Four hands outheld
Three times they died
Two eyes shed tears
One time she'll try

Come to know
The curse
The blessing

Come to know
There's only chance
There is no guessing

Chosen to guide
The fallen
The feared

You're the one they chose
To see
To hear

The dead shall awaken
The Phoenix shall rise
The glass shall reshapen
The lovers will despise

You are reborn
From ashes from Hell
For she has spoken
The reincarnation spell

A w a k e n.

[coming soon.]

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