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Hey everyone!!! You have strangely stumbled apon my new book...(not really tho :)I hope you like it! Btw homework is kinda distracting me now, so plz comment and follow me!


from Celina (Ade)

Another day in the Yogstowers,

I had barely just finished the publicity of our newest video, Minecraft - Diversity 2 (Tea Break, part 2) It was done by Lewis and Simon, my 5th new best friends since I had been offered a trail day.

Oh hey!

The name's Adriana! The reason I'm here: I'm taking a job course-Finding out which job to get, and as I liked gaming so much as a kid (starting with a minecraft gaming club in secondary), yep I wanted to have a go!

Its going quite well so far, and meeting Lewis and Simon has been probably the best opportunity I've ever had! They've been my true idols ever since I was 12 years old, and that was a looong time ago!

Another few hours and they will finally decide whether I've got this job or not! Fingers crossed?!

Le time skip...

Finally it was the end of the day, I wasn't really tired, but I could've swore that I saw a silhouette outside the window, equipped with a tape measure, a few harnesses, and a bunch of other things, all used for building. Maybe he was working on the building? When I asked, nobody responded, so I guess nobody knew. I just hope they were, and not doing anything else...

Eventually I arrived back at home.

I attempted to switch my mum's old TV on. Ever since I had bought my house, everything seemed a lot more strange, like I was trapped inside a small horror movie. But I had to focus on my work, and hopefully I'd get my job!

I checked my greasy mouse-brown hair in the old 1852 mirror, which looked like it had more cracks in it now than in the morning. One individual strand flickered in the air, and like magic, danced around, with no breeze whatsoever flowing in the room.

Then it stopped.

What had just happened?

Things like that don't just happen by chance? Or do they?

Well, I was about to find out...

The hard way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2015 ⏰

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