You make me smile

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Dear Tys,
We I think of you, I automatically smile. Not because I have a crush on you, but because when I talk to you, it makes all of my problems fade away. You're the guy I could go to with anything for a quick pick me up. Two years ago, you were just a guy on the basketball team. Now you're my friend. Now, when I see you in the halls, you often try to cut me off or are singing. You are an awful singer... no offense. You also enjoy scaring me if I'm not paying attention. Thanks by the way. Well quite frankly, I don't know what the hell I'm going to do without you next year. The thought of losing you and your grade after this summer scares me to death. I'd never admit it because people would probably just laugh at me. So many times so far this school year, you have changed a bad day into an ok one. We often joke around when we see each other, and I hit you with flour a couple weeks ago. Sorry about that. Well, over all, thank you so very much for looking out for me, making my day, and being like an older brother to me. Just thanks for being you because I wouldn't be the same person without you.


Me <3

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