How It All Happened

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Hi my name is Krystal Evans and I have a depression disorder. I don't know how it started but my ex-best friends hate's me for no apparent reason. They backstab, call me names and say bad things about me to other people behind my back, it really hurts me that they think and say these things about me. They don't know how much all there words and actions are hurting me. They don't know what goes on behind closed doors at home. On the outside they think that what they say doesn't affect me but, really inside it hurts me so much.

I have had depression ever since i came to this school. I just recently moved back from Australia when my dad recently passed away. Them my mum started to have a really bad depression and ended up bringing me back to new zealand. It then got even worse when she started to abuse me, at first it was only once or twice a month but then it got worse and she started to abuse me 3 times a week. Then i started at the school near me and then I made friends with this girl named Stacey Stench. She was my only friend at the time but then later on I met these two other girls Randi Reb and Harmony Faye.

She was my best friends at first. We would laugh and cry together. We even had so much in common together, that I thought that we could be sisters. But that all changed when she heard one rumor, a rumor that had changed our friendship forever. The rumor was that i had sleepet with her boyfriend when i didn't she hates me now.....

Why would any one say that about me they think it's funny but its not, it hurts, it hurts me so much that they would say shuch things about me.. but it didn't stop there, there were more and a lot more after that.......

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