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1 week later [July,5th]

Heaven POV
So today is my due date and the babies feel is though they don't have to come out but I'm going to the hospital around 8:30pm so that the doctor can break my water because they pregnancy is starting to get hard because I'm so skinny and then I just got this big ass stomach on me so the doctor said she have to break my water tonight so we getting ready and also bae had got me a really cute diaper bag for my babies I just can't wait I'm so excited!!.

Heaven POV So today is my due date and the babies feel is though they don't have to come out but I'm going to the hospital around 8:30pm so that the doctor can break my water because they pregnancy is starting to get hard because I'm so skinny and...

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The bag Jordan got heaven ^.

Jordan POV
So y'all niggas know that today is my baby due date and I'm so excited cause I get to see my babies today so i know y'all probably wondering were kiya and India going to be at they are going to be with Tyler and his girl until kids are allowed to come to the hospital hopefully we don't have to stay long but a real nigga about to be a dad of 3 .

8:30pm at the doctors.

Doctor- hello you guys well we want you to have the babies tonight so we are going to have to get straight to it and break your water it may take like 2 hours until oh start pushing or may be faster then that but let's just wait and see.

Both- okay.

*Doctor breaks heaven water.

Jordan- well babe I guess this is the real deal now this your first time having a baby two at that so just push through this shit because a lot can happen during delivery so I want you to put on your big boy pants and get them two bad babies out of you okay stink.

Heaven- *starts sweating* okay babe BUT I THINK ITS TIME!.

*Jordan calls the doctor and an they starts to break everything down*

Doctors-heaven baby I need you to give us one big push then take a break then push again.

*we almost there I need you to give me one more big push •one of the babies come out starts crying, one more big push •the other baby comes out starts crying.

*Jordan starts to cry. Babe you did it you did a amazing job I love you so much and the babies are perfect they have so much hair.

Heaven cry's , can I hold my babies please

Doctor- yes you can

Heaven- thank you omg my babies are so cute I love them I just can't wait until my other baby kiya meet them.

Jordan- me either baby .

Doctor- what's the babies name.

Both- Madison , Mason

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