Chapter 2: Maybe

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The next morning Emma found herself in the bed bunk she had been told where she was going to be sleeping, she was in pajamas she had in her backpack which were old worn hamidowns. She found an extra blanket covering her which she found that she had snuggled into during the wondered how it had gotten there.

She felt safe in the bed, however knew she had to get up when the other kids did knowing if she didn't she would miss out on any sort of breakfast . If she wasn't fast enough there would be nothing left, so she got up and quickly changed into the clothes she had on the day before.

Heading down the stairs she could hear the other kids talking loudly from the kitchen, most were done eating by the time she got down there however Kevin was just opening up a cabinet when Emma came into the kitchen. As Kevin opened the cabinet he grinned at Emma with evil intent, Kevin then looked into the cabinet for the cereal box only to screaming in absolute terror and fear like a little girl.

Every kids head whipped in his direction in surprise, as Kevin had fallen to the floor in fear every kid including Emma started laughing. Soon Ingrid came into the kitchen at the sound of Kevin's shrieking, she leaned against the fridge a bit crossing her arms looking down at Kevin. Kevin soon realised the spider was fake, anger flared inside of him when he saw Ingrid staring at him before she glanced at Emma where Kevin's eyes followed before she looked back at him.

Message recieved Kevin stood up from the floor in escape from the other foster kids laughs, as he went to leave the kitchen he passed Emma. He looked at her for a second as fear coursed over him once more before he ran up the stairs to the room he was apart of.

A couple of minutes later the other foster kids got ready for school including a newly silent Kevin, with the kitchen mostly empty Emma finally got to the cereal box to see it empty of cereal.

Emma sighed before a different box of cereal landed in front of her eyes, it was fruit loops. The one cereal she loved more than the rest and the one most foster homes do not have. She looked up to see who put it there to see Ingrid standing there with a smile before the woman went behind Emma to retrieve two bowls and spoons from the cabinet along with the milk from the fridge.

Ingrid sat down at the table across from Emma with a smile she slid Emma her bowl and spoon while she then poured cereal in her own bowl for herself. As they were both eating Ingrid spoke up to Emma.

"I was wondering since you don't start school today we could go do some errands today, especially get you some better fitting clothes"

Emma had her mouth open for a second in surprise and a bit of confusion, no other foster parent ever bought her clothes nor even cared. Emma always received hamidowns from social services.

"Your buying me clothes?" Emma's mouth hung opened as she stopped eating, it had to be a trick no one had offered to buy her clothes the only time she received something new was when she was three and it was a dress from a social worker in hopes of Emma getting adopted.

"That surprises you?"

"Well, no has ever bought me clothes before. Usually social services would drop off hamidowns for the kids at the group home that would last a couple of years"

"Well I"m not social services. I'm your foster mother and it is my job to take care of you and in that care you shall have proper fitting clothes that do not have holes in them."

"thank you" Emma smiled softly at Ingrid grateful for what she was doing for her, maybe it wasn't going to be bad here after all.

"You can thank me later, now go get ready and we'll be on our way" Ingrid smiled as Emma jumped up after eating to go get her shoes and jacket.

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