Chapter 5

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Montrell POV

"So you gone drive you car in the school parking lot" she looked at me

"Yea i don't feel like walking" she laughed and shook her head and hopped in my car

i drove in the parking lot and niggas started looking at my car in amazement

"Look at all your new fans" she said and shook her head

"I dont care what they got to say" i shrugged and scoffed

"Then why you drive through the parking lot" she laughed

"B what's wrong like you are really blowing my stuff" she looked at me

"How Im i blowing your stuff" she acted stupid

"You want me to do everything you do why would i park down the street im not weak minded like you i know who my friends are and who not" she scoffed and rolled her eyes

i parked my car and we hopped out

She really blowing me right now like she just want me to be antisocial with her and im not rocking with that... Yes i like being around her but all she do is stay in the house i want friends i can go out with and have fun with

She walked in the building and people was dapping me up and complimenting my car

I got to class and Erica came out to me

"Hey Montrell I've been asking about you" she start rubbing my chest

"I heard" i smirked at her

"Did you get a phone yet" i nodded she put her hand out and i gave it to her and she put her number in "i heard about your car i hope i can get a ride one day" she winked and sat back down

"Okay student sit down and let's speak our lesson today" i sat in my seat " so yesterday we were talking about Dna and genes and other things of that nature... So find you a partner and write down your genes and what traits you would want you child to have then on the back you will draw what your child would look like " she went back to her desk

"Montrell come be my partner" Erica said and i looked at B and she was typing something on her phone with her headphones in so i just went with Erica

I'm not fucking with her attitude anyway

"Okay so some of my good traits are my skin color and my lips and my figure if we had a daughter i would want her to have my shape"

"No she will not i want her to have a shape no nigga would want" i laughed

"Like your friend... Uhnt uhnt" her and her friends laughed

"Aint nothing wrong with her shape" i laughed it off "anyway i want it to have my hair and my hustle"

"Wait you sell drugs right... cause that is what hustle means right" one of her friends said

"Hustle means to work or a work ethic" i said avoiding the first question

"Okay i want my child to be athletic like me I also want her to be a cheerleader I want her to run track I want her to play basketball I want her to play softball just like me" she said tryna flex

"Oh that's cool" i said

"Why yall not with yall baby daddies" she said to her friends and they turned around and went back to doing what they was doing "so tell me about yourself"

"Mmm i from NY and im an only child i..."

"Are you a virgin" she interrupted me

"No you" i replied

"No so you have a big dick" i was tooking back by her question

"I mean you wanna found out for yourself" she laughed and stuck her hand and my pants and started rubbing on it

" mmm i can't wait to really try it... How about we get outta here next block" i nodded and look to see if anybody was looking

We finished working and the bell rong and we hopped up

"Come on" she grabbed my hand and went out the back and ran to my car and hopped in

"Yes this is so nice" she started rubbing on my dash

"Ard where we going" i started my my car

"Right here" she reached over my side a pulled out my dick and started sucking

That shit was good but not fire

She was suck my dick for like 30 mins and i feel like she shoulda had more spit

"So can we go to your house" she asked

"I got to wait for Bianca" she rolled her eyes

"She not giving you what im offering she can wait baby" she kissed on my neck

I mean i just need to be back by time school over

I started my car and made my way to my house but saw my mom car outside and decided to go to B house cause Seek gave me a room

I pulled up to the house and we hopped out

"You house is so nice " she looked in aww "who car is this" she started to walk over to B car

"Not yours dont touch it" she put her hands up in surrender and walked up to the door

I took my keys and went in and we went straight upstairs

"Nice room i can get used to this" she laid back and started taking off her clothes

"Yea" i took off my jacket and hung it up and tossed my bookbag and i looked up she was completely naked

"Come on daddy" she motioned for me

And i took off everything but my socks and i started kissing on he neck

"Mmm daddy" she moaned as i licked her nipple and i traveled my tongue down her body and came face to face with her pussy and i ate like it was my last meal and she was loud as fuck

"Yes yes like that" she held her legs in a middle split position "im coming" and she threw her head back and started to shake and i kept eating and i just watch her chest cave in and out and listen to her make noises and listened to her breath... I swear that's the sexy shit

"Face down ass up"

"Okay daddy" she pushed me back and closed her legs and caught her breathe and then did as told and i slid in and started putting in work

I craved this feeling for real

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