Chapter 2 - Rules

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There are houses that look bigger on the inside through tricks of design and mirrors. This house was not that. As Zara and Devil stepped in through the doorway a huge hallway that went back at least one hundred metres extended before them. Different coloured and shaped doors lined the hallway. This place was full of magic, Zara could just feel it.

Devil snickered at her "you can gawk later."

Zara's face pulled into a big grin. She already loved this strange and mysterious building.

On the way over Devil had explained that the hotel took myths in who had nowhere else to go and were fighting the vampires protecting the mortals. Zara had been really excited, she was sure she could fit in there. She also had some crushing news to tell them... It had pulled the smile off her face then and it did again. What if they blamed her for not stopping him? Anxiety crept up her spine and filled her mind.

Devil lead her down the hall a little way and through an archway to a reception desk. The woman who sat behind the desk had a bun pulled back so tight it must have given her a facelift and a headache. Her eyebrow rose as her disapproving gaze fell down onto Devil.

"What have you brought with you Devil?"

"A new member," Devil's grin was immune to the gaze of the woman.

Leah looked over to Zara who was being consumed by her own thoughts. She scanned Zara up and down, a teenage girl, bright green eyes, not a vampire, or a demon. Seemingly safe.

"And what would your name be?"

Zara looked up at the woman, her eyes entrancing her "My name is Zara."

"I am Leah, and you wish to become part of the Hotel?" Leah turned away and began going through some files.

"Yes I don't have anywhere else to go, I Devil said I could stay here because I can fight the general," acid filled Zara's mouth, she knew that he was more than just a general now. He was the most powerful vampire and would soon begin destroying everything.

Leah placed some files down perfectly with an equally as perfect red manicure. "While it's true we do oppose the general we do more than just fighting. Some myths aren't entirely suited for it," Her eyes met Zara's again "What would your myth be?"

"I'm a werecat," Zara grabbed at the pen.

Leah's eyes squinted and as if trying to impersonate a cat her lips pucked to look like a cat's asshole. "Devil," her voice was forced calm.

"Yeah what?"

"A werecat, seriously?" she had forced herself to smile but it was so fake Zara was sure it would crack and crumble. She looked to Devil's smile which as always remained true.

Devil bravely held Leah's leering gaze "We have vampires in the hotel. Why wouldn't we let a werecat in?"

Zara had just finished writing her name at the top of the paper when Leah abruptly snatched them away from her. "I fear we need to consult a few of the members before taking you on board."

Zara looked to Devil who's brows were knotted together.

"You said they would be glad to take on anyone against the vampires," Zara searched Devil's eyes.

"We are glad! Leah this is bullshit, she wants to fight with us just let her! Who cares what myth she is?" Devil marched up to the desk and slammed her fists down to prove her point.

Dread filled Zara. Maybe they already knew that she had ruined her mentor's plans to stop the general... Leader. Maybe they knew she was responsible for the death of the most experienced werecat. She was a stain on the myth of the werecat, no wonder the other myths didn't want anything to do with her or her kind. She had probably ruined Medusa's and Mary's lives with what she did.

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