Thank You.

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Hello sweet friends ❤

It's been years. Literally.

I'm honestly amazing that so many of you beautiful people still follow this account. I'm sure that a lot of y'all have forgotten that I exist (and rightfully so, as this account hasn't been active in at least three years). It genuinely blows my mind whenever I log in and see all the notifications and all the messages. You all are so unbelievably wonderful and supportive and patient. I seriously cannot begin to express my gratitude to you.

This account was created in March 2012 --a whopping seven whole years ago.

And a lot can happen in seven years.

Seven years ago, I wrote nothing but fan-fiction. Mostly Naruto, but I did dabble with a few other worlds. I tried to make something for all of my favorites. Seven years ago, I didn't even realize that I could create my own story. At least nothing that was worth sharing with anybody or that I thought anybody would be interested in.

Seven years ago, I was battling depression. Fan-fiction helped me cope with that. It helped me work through a lot of issues that I had as a teenager. It helped me find a community that I loved, that supported me when I needed it most. It helped me in ways I honestly can't find the words to explain.

I'm in a much better place now.

I feel like I have learned a lot about myself and I feel like I've grown a lot. I obviously still have a LOT to learn and a lot of room left to grow--I'm not perfect. But I am so much happier than I was seven years ago. I feel like I am a much better person than I was seven years ago too.

Which is why I've chosen to unpublish some of my works on this account. A lot of the stories that I wrote seven years ago were products of my depression. Not only was my actual thought process/writing style immature, but it also reflects a pretty dark time in my life. Now, I don't believe in deleting the past. I still have these stories locked away on my hard-drive. I also did my best to leave the stories that were more liked and mostly completed posted. I feel that since I am unable to complete them that I should at least leave them posted so that, if you want, you can go back and reread. Hopefully it will inspire you to write your own! I am going to add that the books are on an indefinite hiatus as well (hopefully to warn off new readers and prevent disappointment), once I am finished writing this.

I know that, in the past, some of you have asked for permission to complete the works posted. You have it. All I ask is that you tag me so I can read it! ❤

I am so, so, so sorry if you favorite book was removed. I am also so incredibly sorry that I feel like I won't finish the books still posted to this account.

I wanted to be completely honest with you (because you all deserve nothing but straight honesty right now). I know that might make some of y'all angry. You have every right to be upset with me. I totally understand if you block me or unfollow me. I genuinely thought that, eventually, I would find my way back to at least finish the fan-fiction that I had posted. It just hasn't happened yet. And I don't think it is going to happen in the future.

So. Yeah.

Thank you, guys. Just thank you all so much for the support and patience and love that you've shown me these past seven years. I genuinely cannot begin to express how much I love you all and am so thankful for everything that you have done for me.

I wish you all the absolute best. I will periodically log back in on this account and respond to what I can. Though if you seriously would like to keep in contact with me or keep up with my writing endeavors, you can find me here: Serayna

This is my original account. I created it a few years ago to post my original work to. I am much more active on it and do my best to update as regularly as possible. Please do not feel pressured to follow it if you don't want to. I totally understand!

Just. Thank you all so much. I love you all so much.

Thank you.

-Ashley Taylor ❤

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