Fiction Or Reality ?

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            Ancient Aliens
Dr. John E. Bradenburg, a famous scientist and sci-fi writer gives theories that Mars was once inhabited by two intelligent alien civilizations, somewhat 10,000 years ago. The civilizations were named 'Cydonia' & 'Utopia'. According to him, there were oceans, rivers, seas, forests etc everything that a living being needs to survive.
But one day, another hostile alien race invaded Mars, and massacred the Martians(aliens on Mars), possibly by throwing some radioactive bombs on them, and killing them. He called it the 'The Great Nuclear Explosion Of Mars'. The high emissions of radioactivity, soon broke Ozone(O³) layer of Mars and thus Mars was also exposed to cosmic and solar radiation. The radiations wiped out life over the years and turned Mars into a barren desert.
When he was asked for evidences, he pointed out to the thin layer of radioactive substances that covered most areas of Martian soil. The layer is composed of Uranium(U), Thorium(Th), radioactive potassium(P) and Xenon(Xe) 129. He says the layer is the result of that nuclear explosion.
However, most scientists, especially at NASA don't accept this theory as scientific. They label it as a fiction or fantasy.
While many alien and UFO hunters claims that it's a top secret conspiracy of NASA and US Government to hide the fact of the existence of extraterrestrials.
Well, it's hard to say, guys who are telling the truth. So, the question hangs in the air again, Reality or Fiction ?

          Ruins of Ancient
            Civilization ?!
Guys, ever heard this thing; the ruins of an ancient civilization on Mars. NASA keeps their websites 24 hours open for public feed and images by Curiosity Rover are always updated in those websites. The UFO and alien hunters claims to see ruins of ancient civilizations in the images.
Like, in one incident, a temple like structure was seen in photo. There were stairs, going up to a structure, as told by alien hunters. Alien hunters explains that an intelligent life once walked upstairs through the stairs and went inside that structure(which was temple once) and worshipped any supernatural entity.
However, scientists at NASA confirms that it was a natural rock formation, that may had came to this shape through earthquakes or storms, after zooming through the image and clearly observing. And they also say that a person can explain pareidolia in Martian atmosphere, when brain tricks the eyes.
Other incidents also includes, structures looking like canals, pyramids, broken infrastructures, broken walls of a city, broken roads and a lots more. Well, scientists at NASA(National Aeronautics & Space Administration) explains all these as natural rock formations, which acquired these shapes through disasters years after years. The NASA denies their claims by saying that they are experiencing pareidolia and too much imagination.
But can these be true ???
There are also some other extraordinary incidents where alien hunters claimed that they saw fossils of living bodies in the images.
Some also said to see trees, which was later denied by NASA, saying natural sand formations.

      Aliens Still Living On                      Mars ?!Now what is this ? This has to be fiction

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      Aliens Still Living On   
                  Mars ?!
Now what is this ? This has to be fiction.

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