Chapter 33

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*Zayn's POV*
*abuse warning ⚠️ *

"Hurry!" I yell at Louis because he seems to be driving at an impossibly slow speed

"Zayn I'm going the speed limit! Calm down." He tells me

Calm down? I practically wanted to jump out of the car and run the rest of the way there.

Once we finally arrive at my house I see an ambulance pulling my mother into the ambulance.

"What happened? I'm her son." I ask the EMT

"Your dad says she hit her head and passed out but it seems like a bit more than that." He explains to me

"Can I go with her?" I ask looking down at my unconscious mother.

"Ya sure kid. Are you sure you don't want to go with you Father though?" He asks nodding his head to my dad who was staring up the car.

"Umm" I begin but am suddenly interrupted

"Zayn cmon! Let's go, get in the car!" He yells at me

"Seems like your dad wants you to go with him." The EMT says closing the doors to the ambulance

I get in the car with my dad only because I still want to see my mother. Just as I'm about to ask him what really happens Louis knocks on the window

"Hey, Umm Zayn? Do I go back to Harry's or?" Louis asks awkwardly

"Harry? You were at Harry's? What did I tell you about hanging around that faggot?" My dad says angrily

I see Louis visibly flinch at his harsh words.

"Umm, you could come with us or head back to Harry's either ones fine," I say ignoring my dad

"I think I'll just go back to my house. You know avoid explaining everything. So, see you on Monday?" Louis says looking nervous

"Yeah, see ya," I say just as my dad begins to pull the car out of the driveway

"Who was that?" He asks looking at me through the rearview mirror

"That was my friend Louis... He's Harry's..... friend." I say suddenly remembering who I'm talking to

"Okay, I don't fucking need to know if he's Harry's friend. They're probably fucking each other. Bunch of fags I swear." He says annoyed

"You shouldn't be hanging around those kinds of people. It might just rub off on you. And you know what'll happen then, right Zayn?" He says looking at me seriously

"So what really happened to Mom?"
I ask avoiding the question

"She was being a bitch like always. So I was teaching her to respect me when I pushed her a little too hard and she hit her head and fucking passed out." He responds casually

I resist the urge to glare at him and instead look out the window.

When we finally arrive at the hospital we're forced to wait while they examine her. I sit impatiently in my seat, hundreds of horrible thoughts running through my head.

When we're finally allowed to see her the doctor informs us that she had a concussion and almost could've died because she had passed out after hitting her head. He praised my dad for calling the ambulance immediately and I literally wanted to barf.

How couldn't the doctor see that my dad was the one who had put my mother here in the first place

When the doctor exits the room. My dad gets a call from his mistress and he leaves the room. Just then my mother awakes and smiles at me

"Hey mom," I say walking over to her

"Hey, Zayn." She says holding my hand

"I'm sorry I took you away from your boyfriend and friends." She says looking at me apologetically

I had come out to my mother because I knew she would always love me no matter what. Only my mother though

"Don't apologize. I would leave my graduation to see if you were okay." I say smiling at her

"I'm sorry you even have to think you'd have to do that." She says faintly

"Then leave him" I whisper despite wanting her to hear more than I've ever wanted anyone to hear anything

"Zayn, where would we go? I don't know a life without him, you know that Zayn." She says looking up at me with tears in her eyes

"Mom please, you could've died! You deserve to be happy! And there's no possible way that can happen with him." I say tears starting to form in my eyes

"That's not true! We could try to be together again. And I mean really try this time! You don't have to worry Zayn." She says smiling through tears

"Mom. You know who he's talking to right now instead of you." I say sadly

She's silent for a moment before she looks at me again.

"Okay, okay. I'll do it. For you Zayn." She says smiling up at me weakly

"For you mom, he doesn't deserve you," I say a tear falling down my cheek

Suddenly the door opens and my father walks into the room a scowl appearing on his face as soon as he sees me crying

"Zayn stop crying, you're acting like a pussy. Man up!" He says letting himself fall into the chairs against the wall

"Get out." My mother says suddenly

"Excuse me?" He says anger rises in his voice

"Get out! Get out before I tell the doctor why I'm actually here." She threatens

"Like anyone will fucking believe you," he says leaning back

"I'll tell them everything," I say feeling courage build up in my chest

He looks at me with a shocked expression

"Leave and don't ever get near me or Zayn ever again," She says begin to sit up

"Yeah sure I'll you're bitch ass but you can't force me to leave my son, he's the only good thing to come out of this relationship!" He yells back at her

A part of me feels happy to know that he did care about me but the wiser part knew he was only faking it.

"I'm gay dad," I say knowing he'll hate me now more than ever

He looks at me with disgust before he begins walking towards the door at the last minute he turns around

"You're both fucking useless. Don't expect me to let you back into my house ever!" He says before finally leaving

I watch him leave and look back to my mother and I knew she felt it too. As if a weight had been lifted off our hearts and we could finally be happy. I knew my mother wouldn't always be strong and would maybe even try to go back to him but I'd be here for her

No matter what.

      Finally, Zayn and his mother get out of their situation. Here's another chapter! If you haven't noticed I'm posting every day around this time :)
        -1dtillthedayidie 💞
1136 words

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