The Cut

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The Cut

By Smurfsarecool

The Cut is a book based on the hit BBC Switch online show “The Cut” All stories are from the show, but are adapted to fit into a book. This also uncovers the emotions of the characters and what they are thinking at the time. This is in diary form and you can see what character is speaking when your see their name in the corner. Most characters have their own diary in the story. I hope you will enjoy this book and please don’t think I copied this for money, it’s something I did in my own time and I felt like as a fan of the show that it would be cool if there was a book version.

Dedicated to,

Fans of “The Cut” And everyone who has felt like an “Olive” in their life. To everyone who encouraged me to spend my time to write this book.


Chapter 1


British weather never disappoints me, the ice on the walls and floors, blue hands and that’s only in one hour, but this hour involved paint, running, cops and more.

So I guess this is my story, how my life changed from this one day from being known from the police for bad things to being known as an all-round hero

My name is Jay Jackson I was fostered and living up north, when people see me they thing chav, thug but I’m not like that... I used to, but now I’m different, I have a great friend called Fin; she is like a wise owl, always knowing what to say, she has a sister called Lily she is 10 and well she adores me, but obviously I don’t hang out her because that would be weird, but now I’m just rattling on. Here’s what happened on the day that changed my life...

Me and Fin were graffitng a wall (well when I say we I mean Fin, I’m the one that looks out for the cops, or any grandma’s that look like they’re going to give us some lecture) We always hang out by the trains, I love the sound of them arriving and leaving, I always wonder where they all go and where you can end up, one day I’m going to go on one of the trains and see where I end up.

“Ever wondered where it all goes?” I said

“Huh?” Fin continued to spray the wall (If Fin hears the word “Wonder” she ignores, she knows I’m just babbling)

“The trains... Lily says its royal mail”

I always wanted to do different things, travel the world, answer all the wondering questions I have, Fin has other ideas, staying where she knows, living a normal life not wanting to wonder about anything but what she was doing right then, and that was graffiti, Fin had always been creative and artistic but never took it up professionally and never will.

“What’s the furthest you’ve ever been away?”

Fin sighed she seemed annoyed but I know that she will say something wise.

“Running away isn’t gonna sort out anything”

“It’s not that I’m running away, it’s just... What am I gonna do if she doesn’t take me back?” My foster mum and I had a fight, I moved in with Fin about a week ago and now I want to go back, I don’t like holding grudges

“Just give it time, it’ll be fine”

Always the wise one...I thought, Fin always had the words the persuade me to stay but like clockwork something was about to turn mine and Fin’s life upside down...

It was going fine, Fin was almost finishing up when and huge roar of police sirens filled the street, me and Fin knew what to do if that ever happened... Split up and run, my ears filled with the sound of trains leaving and police sirens arriving. I knew where to go I knew to take the long way home to cut the police off my tail.

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