learning to crawl

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6 months has passed since Alex fey was born and the inhabitants of the village were admittedly not sure what to make of the newest fey as it was very rare to have a male fey if at all. his sisters however adored him and did everything they could to make him happy. despite the fact Morgan was supposed to be his caretaker she wanted nothing to do with him and did the bare minimum which meant Mia and Maya had to pick up the slack.

a loud cry resonated in the main building where the main family resided and as Maya was going to investigate she bumped into Morgan "ah good i have to practice channeling techniques so you can feed your brother"

"what you haven't fed him yet?!" Maya exclaimed shocked "like i said i have important matters to attend to besides this should teach you responsibility" without giving her a chance to replay she walked away, knowing she wouldn't be able to convince her she made her way to her brothers room. she opened the door and saw a crib in the corner of the room it was agreed that alex would be placed in Mia's room as she could comfort him at night. she made her way to the crib and looked in to see Alex crying his little eyes out.

"hey Alex" she gently pulled him out of the crib and tried to get him comfortable in her arms "i know your hungry lets go get some food for your tummy" and with that she made her way to the kitchen... till she got lost.

She finally found the kitchen "FINALLY why dose there have to be so many corridors" she put the crying baby into the high chair and started to search the cupboards "ok wheres the baby food" she searched all the lower cupboards but found nothing  well nothing that baby could eat at least she. she then turned her attention to the cupboards above however she couldn't reach so she had to climb and stand on the counter. while she was searching the cupboards Mia walked in and noticed what she was doing until she noticed Alex in the high chair who had since stopped crying and was watching Maya. it was then Mia knew what she was doing.

"your not going to find it in there" at the sound of her voice Maya turned a bit too quickly and eneded up falling off the counter and on to the wooden floor "owie" she cried. Mia couldn't help but smile and sigh she then made her way to the fridge "its in the fridge" she then opens the fridge and pulled out a cup of baby food "see" Maya just sat there pouted and looked away" i would of found it eventually" Mia merely laughed and tossed her the food to which she juggled in her hands from being caught off guard and then made her way to Alex.

"shouldn't aunt Morgan have fed him earlier?" Maya looked toward Mia as she opened the container "she said she had to practice her channeling techniques" Mia started to frown "oh did she now" ever since Alex's birth Mia has started to like her aunt less and less and could not stand her attitude to her brother "shouldn't caring for a baby be more important" Maya who was trying to feed Alex looked back at her " yea but you know aunt Morgan" she then started to make a face, posture and voice like their aunt " until you come of age i must take care  of the village and keep it running blah blah blah" just like before Mia couldn't keep the smile off her face nor the small laugh that escaped her lips she hoped no prayed Maya would never change and the laugh from Alex seemed to imply he agreed with her. Maya looked to alex and smiled "did you like that Alex" Alex clapped his little hands in response. Maya giggled and held up the spoon "now open wide here comes the train choo choo"

After they were done Mia and Maya took Alex back to their room and layed him on the floor and began to play with him. "hey Mia" Mia who was pretending Alex was flying looked at Maya after she placed him back on the floor "we should teach him how to talk" she said smile wide to which Mia smiled back "you can try"  Maya then took Alex from her and placed him in her lap "ok Alex say Maya" Alex just looked at her "come on ally Maya it's easy my-a" he just remained silent and decided to suck on his toes and Maya gave a sigh of defeat. "maybe he's not ready" she said as she pulled Alex's toes out of his mouth.

"ok how about teaching him how to crawl" Mia smiled at her "that's a great idea" Maya then placed Alex on his stomach and walked a few feet away from him and went on her knees holding her arms out" come on Alex come to big sis Maya. Alex lay on his stomach facing Maya. He reached reached his arms out to her in a attempt to reach her Mia merely laughed in response " you have to crawl to her to reach her "

"yea like this" Maya then demonstrated by raising her hand and placing it on the floor then again with the other hand but in front of her previous hand "see" Maya then watched as he looked at his hand he then pushed himself up and copied what she did " that's it now the other" she said excitedly. he then did the same with the other hand "that's it keep going don't forget to use your legs" doing as instructed he made his way to his sister who picked him up happily. "you did it ally" she then hugged him tight to which he babbled in joy. Mia made her way to them and got on her knees rubbing his head "well done Alex" she smiled warmly. "MA-A" he exclaimed looking at Maya leaveing them both shocked "what did you say?" asked Maya "Ma-a Ma-a" he continue to babble "i think he's trying to say Maya" suggested Mia. Maya then looked down at Alex mirroring his smile "no Alex it's Maya"

"Ma-a" he responded "no Maya My-a" she explained "Ma-a Ma-a Ma-a" he repeated Maya dropped her head and sighed making Mia laugh "just let it go Maya at least he spoke" Maya looked at her sister "yea i guess your right just need more lessons is all" Mia smiled "indeed now lets put Alex's new skills to work"

"ooo how" Maya asked her eye's shining with excitement "how about hide and seek" she smiled at the same time as Maya and thus they began their game with alex enjoying himself more than they could imagine.

ok there we go second chapter now again let me know what you thought what i need to improve on etc. oh and if you want to see them play hide and seek i may add that later down the line

thats's it signing out    

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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