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Taehyung Pov

"Did you see how hard Yoongi got?" A giggle.

"Yeah but Namjoon's jaw was clenched so tight." Another giggle.

"Oof and Yoongi wanted me to blow him." Another giggle.

"Yeah but Joon's-"

"GUYS!" I shouted at my two,over the moon best friends.

"What?" "What?" They ask at the same time.

I sighed. "I know y'all are happy that the Kings were affected by us but do we really need to hear about it?"

Jimin smirked. "Oh like no one saw you getting frisky with Jeongguk."

"Oooooo" added Jin, unhelpfully.

My face turned red as I spluttered. "I was NOT getting frisky with Jeon Jeongguk. If anything, he wanted more and I was just making sure he was....completely tricked! I was not enjoying myself." I finished my protest.

Jimin rolled his eyes as Jin took this chance to speak. "Taeeee babyyyyy, we totally heard you moan. Who do you think you're fooling?" He spoke mockingly, as if talking to a child.

I scowled. "Jin hyung, stop talking to me like I'm a child and Jimin hyung, stop agreeing with him." I said, stopping Jimin in his constant motion of nodding his head in agreement to what Jin was saying.

Which, by the way, is completely untrue! I was not at all enjoying myself.

"Babe, I can see your denying everything in your mind right now. Stop it." Jimin said and turned to Jin for support.

Jin who was currently occupied with my jewelry box. Jimin nudged Jin and startled him before repeating, "Stop denying everything. Right Jin?"

Jin, caught off guard, could only manage a quick, "Hey! Stob it!"

I rolled my eyes at my best friends antics.

If only everyone in the school knew what they were really like, I feel liie the level of respect would decrease extremely....


"Anyways guys, what's our next plan of attack?" I said, bouncing down on my bed.

Jin shrugged but Jimin grinned before letting out an "ooooo"

"What?" I said, paired with Jin's questioning gaze.

Jimin came and lifted me up before placing me on his lap.

"Listen guys. They're obviously gonna try to get back at us, and they'e got Namjoon's brain, paired with Yoongi's avenging streak' and Jungkook's wicked touch. Basically....we're fucked." He finished undramatically.

"Jimin, that was supposed to be a plan of attack" I said.

Jin followed me up with a, "Yeah and for god's sake, stop cursing. Damn." I smiled at that while Jimin rolled his eyes.

Clearimg my throat, I continued. "Here's what I think we should do guys. If they happen to prank us like usual we'll just not react. But if they happen to...repay us for what we did to them at the them." I finished, slighty unsure.

"Sooo," Jin started. "What you're saying, Tae, is if they try to seduce them? How? By fake responding to their advances?" Jin questioned. He glanced at Jimim for answers when I shrugged my shoulders in response to his questions.

"Hang on there, I think Jin's on to something," Jimin smiled his shark smile. "We'll respond to their advances cuz let's be honest...if Yoongi touches my dick or ass, I will moan. It's Min Yoongi guys." Jimin said factually.

Jin nodded his agreement but I was worried. "But Chim, your guys have good self control. Jungkook legit almost lost it. Again I say, they're stronger than us guys. What will we do if they decide they don't wanna stop?"

I know I ask this question constantly but I've had my fair share of macho men deciding to go caveman just because they want to. I know for a fact Jungkook is stronger than me so what can I do if he decided to do...something by force?

Jin sighed before getting up and reaching out to cup my face.

"Tae baby, I know you worry but I promise you the Kings aren't like that. And if they were, I as your mom wouldn't let you within two feet of them, let alone seducing them. I know they're stronger than us-"

Jimin snorted. I'm pretty sure I heard him mumble something along the lines of- "Excuse me but I could break Min Yoongi's bones with the snap of my wrist. He just has a bigger dick so I don't."

I chuckled at this before sitting up better on Jimin's lap. "Okay guys! Jin hyung, you're right. Besides, there's not much they'd be able to do to us anyway right? We have the whole school of Bighit behind us. We'll be fine." I said optimistically. Jin nodded at my display of confidence.

"Yeah," he said. "Plus, we're still guys no matter how absolutely, breathtakingly, gorgeous my face is." So saying, Jin got up from his spot on the chair beside my bed and strided over to my full length mirror, where he proceeded to check himself out.

"Hah! I'm so prettyyyyyyyy." Jin said reverently.

I cleared my throat.

"Right" Jin continues, snapping out of his reverie. "We're still guys Tae. We could probably take 'em."

Jimin snorted. "Take them? Me and you probably could but Tae more likely wants Jeomgguk to take him."

He cackles as I hit him.

"I do not like Jeon Jeongguk like that!" I pout. Jimin rubs my pout while Jin smiles endearingly at me.

"Besides, I could take him." Surprisingly, Jin laughed first.

"Hyung!" I say, scandalized. Even he's laughing at the thought of me besting Jeongguk.

I launch up from Jimin's lap and turn around to them with my fist in the air. "I'll show you. I can best Jeon Jeongguk. Watch me." I say determinedly.

Jimin coos at me. "Awww is the wittle baby tiger triggered? Baby, Jeon Jeongguk could so much as say 'Hello Babyboy' to you and you'd melt." I coukd sense the hidden challenge in his voice. He was speaking in his 'I'm gonna prove you wrong' voice and I knew this could only end badly but I continued talking anyway.

"No," I said. "I wouldn't. Nothing Jeon Jeongguk could ever do will ever affect me." My voice didn't waver.

Jimin smiled his shark grin at me before speaking. "Ohhh really? to place a little wager on that?" I tilted my chin up at him. "Fine. What's the wager?" I challenged, like a dumbass.

"Hmmm...if Jeon Jeongguk can get you to moan within Jin Hyung's or I's hearing in one week, I'll suck Yoongi's dick and Jin'll do Namjoons. But if you lose, you'll suck Jeon Jeongguk's dick thrice. One for your loss against me, one for your loss against Jin, and one for your loss against yourself. Deal?" He thrusts his hand out.

'This is stupid Tae. Don't be a dumbass. It's motherfucking Park Jimin dumbass don't you-!'


Hello guys, it's BadBoysDoItBest thank you for trying out my book. I'll be honest, Idk where the hell this shitty plot is going but Ima get it together. Alright guys?

Qotd: What is your favorite thing about your current bias(s)? What about them made you stan them.

Aotd: Taehyung's personality and uniqueness definitely caught me pretty quick.

I borohae💜 and sarang you all. Bangtan Bangtan Bang-Bangtan

Word Count: 1207

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