Chapter 4 - The Dance

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Hey gorgues people! :) 

I want this chapter to go out to all those silent readers!! Maybe you could comment this time? ;) XDD Its okay, your silent readers, you don't like commenting XDDDDDDDDDDDD Anyways thanks for voting and commenting, your all so special <3


I took a deep breath as I stared at myself in the mirror.  My hair had been done up into a cute bun, held up by a pin, with glitter surrounding the front.  I wore a gorgeous white dress, that started to do a puff at my hips, going all the way down to my ankles, with plain white high heels, which made me feel uncomfortable since I am usually wearing sneakers or Converse.  

I accepted the invitation, I don't think I will sing though, I don't even know why my drama teacher told them about my singing voice! 

My drama is actually quite lovely, and really beautiful, most of the boys in my class drool over!  Even "them" think shes hot.  

Now how did we become besties? Well, we met and hit off from the start!  We even text each other, go to each others houses, and go out to the mall together. . . yeah, its weird, but we love each other. . . in a friendly way . . .

My heart was pounding against my chest, my hands all shaky, my face scrunched up.  I didn't want to go, but I couldn't miss this oppuinty.  It was the one time nobody could regonize me, therefore I can say whatever I want.  I think all of you know what I am planning, mwahahaha I am so evil!  

"Darling, Hailey is here!" My mums beautiful voice rang through the room from down stairs.   Oh and Hailey is my drama teacher, shes supposed to be chaperone for the dance.  Weird . . . .

I looked myself in the mirror, giving myself a tiny smile before reaching for a simple white mask, covering my around my eyes.  I moved along down the stairs and jumped into my teachers mercedez . . . wow . . . 

"Hey gorgeous!" She smiled as the car slowly went down the road.

 "Ha Ha, very funny!" I smiled sarcastically, giving a tiny fake laugh, "Why did you tell the school staff I could sing?" I ask bummed, turning my head to face straight ahead, my back leaned against the light grey seat.  

"Because your awesome at it!" She spoke with much enthusiasm, which made me feel more nervous for some reason.  "Whatever" I mumbled. . . 


I stood in the middle of the dance floor, frozen.  Everybody looked so beautiful, and I looked like some hobo in a dress. . . Screw my life.

I felt so left out, in a way.  It was like; a hip hop dancer in the middle of a ball room.  It was weird.   “How do you like it?”  Hailey poked at me.  I looked around the dim room.  Beautiful lights hang from the roof, with a huge dance floor in the middle; in front, a stage.  It was honestly amazing, “Beautiful. . .” I looked at her and gave her a big smile, flashing all my white teeth.  “I know right!  Why don’t you go dance?  I think I am going to go get a piece of Mr. Lancaster” She winked, “TO MUCH INFORMATION!” I giggled.  Mr. Lancaster is this REALLY, like REEEAALLLLLYYYY hot teacher, who coicedently is 21, not bad right?  That’s why Hailey is ALL over him!  Its like when they flirt, me and the other students are like goddamn roaches! 

“Oh fine, I won’t tell you that we are . . .” My eyes grew wider, “Your what?” She gave a tiny smile, “Dating. . .” I gave a sigh of relief, “ I thought you were going to say ‘having se-“ She interrupted me “Hell no!” We both burst out laughing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2014 ⏰

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