Chapter 6

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Artist: @ihirocat on Twitter
Aesop Carl => Embalmer
Joseph Desaulniers => Photographer
Xie Bi'an => White Gaurd
Fan Wujiu => Black Gaurd
I finally got to Joseph's old house, I knocked

"Ah, Aesop! Why are you here?" Fan says as he opens the door

"Where is Joseph?" I ask in a hurry "isn't he at your house?" He asks as I shake my head

"Oh? Didn't expect to see you here?" Xie says coming out of his car

"Where is he?" I ask desperately as he look me up and down "hospital" he replies before going into the house and locking the door

"Wait... which hospital? Xie???" I knock on the door but no one, I curse as I go to the station to go to the closest hospital to our house

"Umm, h-hi d-d-do you have a patient called Joseph Desaulniers" I asked as The woman opened the book and looked

"Mr.Joseph?" A different nurse asks as I nod "yea he is in his usual room, room 515" she said

I slightly tensed when she said his usual room, so that means he comes here a lot?

I ignored my thoughts and went towards his room

I knocked and entered the room, "Joseph?" I said in a whisper to see a sleeping Joseph in the bed

He slightly moves and groans as I went up to him and stroked his head for a bit

"I'm sorry..." I whispered

"It wasn't your fault, it was mine" Joseph says turning to me opening his eyes

"How long have you been awake?" I asked as he got up and giggled "long enough to hear you say sorry" he said yawning

"Listen... Joseph about what happened..." I started "no, I will explain everything once we get home" he replied as I slightly felt uncomfortable

"Come here" he motioned as he scoots over

I climb on to the bed as he hugs me and relaxes "Joseph-" "don't move, I need this after so long away from you" he said as I smile return the hug

"Can I get a kiss?" He asks as I giggle and lightly pull him towards me and our lips meet

It was long but sweet kiss, I missed these kinds of kisses, "I really missed you" He said laughing as tears came down

"I'm sorry, I just... never felt that way" he said trying to wipe his tears but more would come out when he does

"Joseph, look at me" I said as the male looked me in the eyes for the first time during my visit

"Same here, I really missed you" I said kissing his eyes

"I'm sorry I snapped at you" he repeated as I shook my head "let's just agree it was both our faults" I said as he nods

"I'll be discharged tomorrow" he said as I look at the time, "ok then I'll leave and come tomorrow to pick you up" he smiles and nods as I leave


The minute he left I picked up my phone and dialed Xie

"Xie, go to our house and hide the ring! Take it with you in your car or something, Aesop is going back" -Joseph

"Sure~ no problem" -Xie

Before I hung up I hear a car engine as I giggle


I hear a knock on the door "yes" my nurse came in as she sighs and helps me take off my bandages

"Mr.Joseph, please try and take care of your self more" she said as I giggle "oh don't worry, Emily" she finished taking my bandages off and gave me my clothes

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