Chapter 3 | Great Start 😒

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Y O O N A • P O V

A loud series of rings echoed through the room making me wanna throw it hard on the wall

I groaned not wanting to wake up this early in the morning

After a few minutes of debating on wanting to go back to sleep or 8 start the day, I finally decided to wake up

I turned again to the ringing phone on the table beside the bed

My eyes widen immediently

6:47 AM!!

Oh Angels! I'm gonna be late!!

I jolted up from the bed running towards the guest bathroom

I took a five minute shower and changed into the clothes that I picked the night before

I wore my yellow hoodie pairing it with my ripped jeans and timberlands

I grabbed my backpack that is school ready, filled with my school supplies

I checked my phone it is already 7:53 a.m

I still have a few minutes left...

Good thing the school is only a five minute walk but luckily Yeji is coming as well since she is still in 12th grade, her last year before going to college

(A/N: I am not sure if there is a K-12 program there in South Korea but it is a thing here in the Philippines and if have guessed it already, does PhiSeoul ring the bell?😂😅😁)

I walked out from the guest room still feeling mesmerized by the mansion

How rich is Yeji?

The marbled floor to the white and black interior of the mansion

This is lit...

I descended from the long massive stairs navigating towards the dining area

I finally found the kitchen after doing a running marathon...

We'll that's enough exercise for the day

As I entered the dining area, I saw Yeji immediately eating or wolfing down her breakfast

She probably felt my presence since she raised her head towards my direction still having food on her mouth

When she was still chewing, she stood up ushering me to the chair beside her and told the maid, who was just standing there waiting until Yeji told her to do something probably, to fetch me my breakfast

I was about to protest, lifting my index finger with my mouth wide open trying to say that I can fetch my breakfast myself since I don't want to be a burden but before I can do anything, Yeji shot daggers to me, and I decided to stay quiet and obeyed so I wouldn't face her wrath

She can look scary if she wanted too

Soon after the maid served my breakfast, I gave her a sincere thanks and dive in to tasty heaven

After a few moment of silence, me and Unnie finished our breakfast and started walking towards the garage

Many cars of different brands, different color and styles...

She chose her white ferrari..


"And your wondering on how on Earth did I have all of this am I right?", Yeji suddenly questioned me with a knowing look

"Kid, it takes hardwork, determination and our trust in our god. Got that?", She smiled and directly pointed to the shot gun

And she just a 12th grade student


Ahhh...a classic

She went in after I did, then we drove off

We arrived to the massive gate infront of the house then the guards open it

Then off to school...


I'm just kidding. I love school.

time skip》

I stood at the lobby where Yeji left me just a few minutes ago

I took a deep breath and started walking towards the school doors

I opened it and was welcomed by loud chattering of students talking about their summer vacations probably

I slowly walked to the crowded hallways gaining attention from the noisy students who are now lowering their voices in whispers and murmurs

Gosh, this is embarassing...

I shook my head down as I pass by the burning gazes of my schoolmates

As I almost reached the Principal's Office which is luckily near the entrance, smiling slightly as I am nearly complete but...



I tripped and landed towards the body a person...

wait, since when does walls have muscles?

Walls have muscles?!

"Miss, you should be careful on where your going. Are you blind?", The person above me scoffed

My eyes widden at my realization and embarassment

I quickly stood up and looked at the different direction

" Mianhe...", I quickly turned to the opposite direction then made a run for it

"Hey! Come back here! I wasn't done talking to you clumsy yellow! Ya!", the wall muscle shouted as I ran amd I heard loud footsteps

I ran faster than before, looking at all directions before using Angel's speed and reached the classroom of my first class, panting using powers can make you tired

I'm safe...

For now



I hope you guys like this story and for still reading this despite the slow updates 💞uwu💞

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