Chapter 1

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You have always hated the idea of them. Being dependent on some random person for the rest of your life? Yeah, no thanks.

And it's not even the fact that it's someone the universe has chosen for you. Actually, that part is pretty freaking cool. It's the fact that if you don't meet that person within 48 hours after the timer on your wrist runs out, you die. It's the fact that your soulmate is your source of energy and if you don't make physical contact with them for a certain amount of time, you die. So if you hate their guts? Well, that's too bad. Deal with it.

This is why you would prefer if your soulmate didn't go to Mingde because to be honest, you hate everyone here. Well, everyone besides your best friends, Chen Qinghe and Li Zhen. They are pretty much the only ones that don't get on your nerves. They are anxiously waiting for their timers to run down as well, but theirs has more time left that yours does.

A lot more time. In fact, your timer is set to end tomorrow. And although you're mostly scared, a little part of you can't help but be excited. Tomorrow, you will meet the one person you are destined to be with.

You're deep in your thoughts on your way to class when you suddenly feel yourself being pulled back by your shirt. "Hey!" You turn around to see Li Zhen looking back at you. You're about to ask her what that was for when she gives you a stern look, begging you to stay quiet.

You swallow down your complaints as she looks past you, over your shoulder. You follow her gaze and sigh deeply when you see what she seems to be so afraid of.

F4. Also known as the richest, handsomest, most popular boys in school. But contrary to popular belief, they aren't rude and self entitled. They're actually pretty nice and down to earth. That is, unless you mess with them or the other members. Then they promise to give you hell. But besides being protective of one another, they seem to be good people. Except for one of them.

Daoming Si.

His eyes are dark and cold as the four boys pass through the hallway, other students moving to make way for them. The only emotion you've ever seen him display is anger. Otherwise, his face is blank, void of any expression. From what you've seen of the rest of F4, you don't know how they hang out with Daoming Si. He's unruly and has a terrible temper, ready to beat someone up for even looking at him the wrong way. You make it your duty to stay away from him at all times. Not only do you hate his negative energy and attitude, you're a bit afraid of him as well.

You could've sworn that his eyes landed on you for a brief second as he walked by, but it could've just been your imagination. The thought of his cold glare on you makes a shiver run down your spine as you continue your walk to class.


Your last class is almost finished. Your eyes keep dancing between the clock on the wall and the timer on your wrist. It's nearly driving you crazy. The teacher's voice is just a mere buzzing in your ear now as you anxiously wait for the lecture to be over.

You silently scold yourself. You know that this school is hard to get into and you worked very diligently to be here. But sometimes, trying to pay attention is like pulling teeth. The professor's monotone voice doesn't make it easy to stay focused either.

"Alright class, that is it for today." You look up when you hear the words you have been waiting for. "Please read the next ten pages before next class. You are dismissed." At these words, students begin gathering their things and you breathe the largest sigh of relief. Beginning to do the same, you pile your things together and get up.

You wave goodbye to Chen Qinghe and Li Zhen before leaving the room. Heading to your locker, you grab everything that you need before heading home. The thought of your mother's delicious cooking clouds your mind and a smile graces your face as you walk home.

Quickly peering at your wrist, you are stunned to see that there is less than twenty four hours left until you meet your soulmate. So by this time tomorrow, you will hopefully already have met them. You don't know exactly how to feel about this information. You're kind of excited but you're also really scared. But...your parents are soulmates and they turned out fine, right?

It's not in your control anyway so there's no use stressing out about it. You just hope that they are tolerable and you can find them quickly.

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