•1• First Meeting

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Johnathan awoke with a jolt, gasping for air.
The nightmare the was trapped in brought him unwanted memories.
He lost his father 5 years ago... He never got to apologise for all the things he said to him, he wanted him to know that he didn't mean a word and did truly love him but it was too late... 5 years too late.

He went to the bathroom to freshen up and get that nightmare put of his head before going downstairs to enjoy breakfast with his mum, siblings and 5 year old daughter.

"Hey mum"
He says when he gets to the small dining room.

She smiles at him as she plates some eggs and toast for him.

"So what's the plan today then, son?"
His mother says as his siblings and daughter eat.

"Uh, the same old... Gonna go to work and then hang out with Dan for a bit then I'll be back home to pick up little Willow here from nursery (basically kindergarten)"
Johnathan said munching on a piece of toast and spewing crumbs everywhere as he speaks.

"Christ, don't talk with your mouth full. You're 25 for goodness sakes."

Johnathan just smiles shyly.

He says as the kids laugh at his stupidity.

He looks at the time.

"Okay I'm off guys, you two be good for mum okay?"
His younger siblings nod.

"What are you watching?"
He says to his 14 year old sister who's watching a woman react to the duck song (a/n I love the duck song 😂)

"Oh this is Kat, she hosts a channel called AllAgesofGeek and it's amazing and she's beautiful and she's amazing and she's-"

Johnathan's laugh cuts her off.

"I see that you like her, anyway I better be off"
He says ruffling her hair as she pouts.

He then hugs and kisses his daughter's forehead.

"You will be good for grandmama and your uncle and aunt, right Willow?"
He says in a baby voice.

"Yes dada."

"Good girl, love you"

"Luv ooo dada"
She says in a baby-ish slurred tone.

"I'll see you guys later"
He calls out as he leaves home.


Johnathan made it to work with 5mins before his shift.
He audibly sighs as he walks into the small niche coffee shop.
Johnathan didn't hate working there, in fact he loves it but he doesn't just want this, he wants to be something, he wants to achieve his dreams of being a rapper.
He has already released an album but with no label backing his sales didn't go through the roof and as the sole earner in his family he needs a way to put food on the table.

Johnathan sits at the cashier desk and slumps on the desk tiredly.

"You okay bro?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired. How's things for you Dan?"

"Same old, same old made some new beats if you wanna take a look after our shift is done."

At that Johnathan perked right up.
"Of course man, we gonna rise to the top, me and you"
He says as he fist bumps his best friend and producer Dan.

A little bell rang signalling that someone has entered the store.

Johnathan looked up to see a woman walking in looking very sleep deprived.
She looked familiar to Johnathan but because of how bad his short term memory is, he couldn't put his finger on where he's seen her before.

She walked up to the cashier desk and placed her order.

"Uhhh, can I have one caramel macchiato and a chocolate chip cookie, please"
She said while smiling politely.

"Sure thing, do you want a design in the foam?"
Johnathan asked in his patented customer service voice.

"Uhh, sure can I have my name in it with a little heart. My name is Kat by the way."

Johnathan's eyes widen.

"Wait you don't happen to host something called AllAgesofGeek on YouTube?"

"Yep, that's me. Are you a fan?"

"Uhm no it's just I saw my sister watching you and she was like going on about how amazing you are and how pretty etc, but I doesn't compare to how beautiful you are in person"
Johnathan said mumbling the last part so she couldn't hear it.

"Huh, sweet make sure you tell her I appreciate her being a fan"
She says smiling sweetly as she walked off to sit and wait.

Johnathan was still looking towards her with a dumb expression.
That was until he got a slap from Dan.

"Stop staring like a creep and help me out bro"

"Alright, alright I'm coming."
Johnathan said.

"Looks like love at first sight"
Dan says while Johnathan groans as his friend teases him.

"What do you think this is a cliché cheesy romance fanfic?"
Johnathan deadpans.

"I don't know we could all be figments of someone's imagination"

"Wait, what?"

"Nothing, let's just get the cookies in the oven"
Dan said to a weirded out Johnathan


Word Count: 829

I hope you enjoyed chapter one of this new fanfic I'm making at the request of the person I'm making it about.

So Kat if you're reading this, I hope this is good enough lol

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