"valerie and i are just friends"

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(Henry's POV)

I just finished dancing with valerie to dubs weird slow jam when we got back to the table everyone seemed angry and babe was gone.

"Whays up with you guys. Where did babe go?"

"Henry can we talk to you in private"

Trip, Kenzie and Hudson got up and dragged me to a small room with glass doors.

"Guys. Whats up?"

"Henry,why didnt you tell us that you came here to see Valerie on the video message!?"

Kenzie crossed her arms and gave me a stern look. Trip and Hudson stood behind me looking at the floor.

"Um i don't know, i didnt think it was important?"

"Yeah well you probably should have mentioned it, atleast to babe. You should speak to her she seems really upset about-"

Kenzie was interupted by a phone call . Abe said it was babe and went to talk with her in a more private area.

"What was she talking about? Why was babe upset?"

"Because babe likes you dude, can't you tell? And when you came here with valerie and babe thought you were here to see her you cant imagine how broken her heart was. You did that and your kind of a jerk!"

Trip seemed really angry at me (to be honest i think he likes babe) but i had no idea babe thought i came here to see her. Hudson seemed a bot more chill but still annoyed.

"Woah woah woah, wait babe thought i came here just to see her?"

"Yeah and when you walked in her,you know with your girlfriend-"

I interupted trip because this was all wrong valerie is my friend and nothing more.

"Woah woah,valerie isnt my girlfriend-

Both Hudson and Trip went silent for a while bedore i spoke again.

"Valerie and i are just friends"

Tbere was another pause until kenzie burst into the room screaming

"GUYS! babes zipper car is out of control!!"

We all question kenzie and told her to tell us what the hell was going on

"Babe's in a self driving car and its going burzurk she said its taking crazy turns and its already up to 75 miles an hour"

Everyone started freaking out so i new i needed to help.

"Well where is she!"

I demanded to know where she was i neex to help her and fast.

"She said shes heading east on 14th about to pass Hamilton"

Trip mentioned that she was heading back around this way so i told kenzie to tell valerie i needed to do something.

"Come on guys we gotta go save babe!"

I ran out the door but the boys were still talking. Trip was saying..

"Its happening were going on a mission with a superhero!"

I was sick of waiting so I told them the real reason I needed them and they followed

"I dont know my way around new york"

"Your right"


Hi guys im sorry i havent updated in a while i guess i thought that nobody really like the story but then i realised THIS STORY IS #1 ON THE #BENRY thats insane thank you guys ly - hollie

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