Time Travel

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Olivia's POV

After much discussion on what infinity stone did what we finally suited up in suits somewhat simalar to the one Scott used to transform into Antman .

"We only got one shot . 5 years ago we lost all of us . We lost friends . We lost family . We lost a part of ourselves . Today we have a chance to take it all back . While your teams new emissions to get the stones back , one round trip each , no mistakes . Most of us are going somewhere we know that doesn't mean you should know what to expect . Carefully look out for each other . This is the fight of our lives we're going to win . Whatever it takes . Good luck"

Steve said his speech as we all stood in a circle knowing that for all we know this could be the last time we see one another .

"He's pretty good at that"
Rocket said referring to Steve's speech .

"Right those keys jolly green"

Clint said to Bruce as it was Bruce who knew how the machine worked most likely alongside my dad .

The machine began to do its work before I was whisked away through the time portal .

The portal had taken me to 2014 planet of Morag alongside Rhodey , Nebula , Clint and Natasha but Natasha and Clint would be taking the ship to Vormir from here to collect the soul stone .

I however was staying with Nebula and Rhodey to retrieve the power stone .

"So some guy named Quill will show up with the power stone and that's it ? Wait who else is looking for the stones ? Was it you"

Rhodey said to Nebula who's face instantly gave away that she wasn't good back in 2014.

"My father and me"

I instantly knew this meant that there was a possibility i would see Thanos again but my heart sunk as I realized he would have no idea who I was as we had gone back in time .


All of a sudden Quill turned up and began singing a song which I recognized as 'come and get your love' by Redbone .

"So his a idiot ?"
Rhodey asked

"Yes his a idiot"
Nebula replied

Rhodey suited up and smacked Quill instantly knocking 2014 Quill out cold .

Nebula began looking through past Quills bag only to pull out a tool .

"What is it ?"
I asked

"The tool of a thief"

We used the tool from Quill's bag to open the large door to what I presume held the power stone inside .

"This is the part where you know the spikes come out with skeletons"

I chuckled at Rhodey's words where as Nebula just said

"What on earth are you talking about ?"

"When you go to a place called the temple of the power stone there's bount to be loads of boobie traps but ok go ahead"

Nebula didn't respond but walked towards the power stone which seemed to have a protective shield around it but Nebula didn't care and just shoved her hand through it .

Thankfully Nebula wasn't injured as her arm is metal but if it wasn't then it would've been burnt of considering the metal was still gleaming red from the heat .

Rhodey and I looked at Nebula in shock which caused her too say

"I wasn't always like this"

"Neither but we work with what we've got right ?"

We got ready to return back to the present day as we had now retrieved the Power Stone .

"Three . Two . One"

Rhodey counted down he then disappeared but not matter how much Nebula and I pressed the button we stayed where we stood .

"Nebula why aren't we moving"
I said hurriedly .

It was then that me and Nebula began hovering In the air seeming to be getting received by a ship up above us .

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