Chapter 5

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~~~~Jake's Pov~~~~

Well I want to help and join you, even if you aren't my sister by blood you are still my sister. I really care for you celest no matter what, I mean you did ruin my car and all but I don't care. If you truly are the true queen i will follow you until death.

Eyeing Sean I take a step closer to her carefully, Not wanting to cause a comotion of a fight, seeing sean rising his hackles i pause. Looking at my sister pleadingly, I hated my pack they weren't people you would want to really be friends with, especially when there were a few european wolves in the mix to spy on us incase of rebellion

please celest please.... - feeling so bad that if she didn't accept i would feel like a huge failure.

~~~~Sean's Pov~~~~

I eye'd Jake with distaste, not really wanting to trust him... watching him I raised my hackles standing close to celest when he got closer slightly growling at him. I felt protective of her... I'm not exactly sure why I am but it just feels right to be... 

She was perfect really, when I used to bully her was because I wanted to catch her attention, it did at the time but just in the wrong way, instead of the overly cliche story where she falls for the bully she fought back.

looking at her now I'm glad she did It shows her strength, her power, everything that she was able to hide for years.

hearing a slight cracking sound i raise my head from glaring at sean listening to my surroundings.

~~~~ Celest's pov~~~~

Seeing his face now I knew i wouldn't be able to say no, it was true that he wasn't my blood brother but he always treated me like a sister, protecting me as much as he could. Sean's fur brushing against mine caused me to look at him for a moment before looking back at Jake.

alright you may come but not as a follower but as a brother, one I really need at the moment.

Slowly I hugged him, snapping my head up at the crunching sound, Jake whirled around to face it as well. Feeling Sean walk up closer to me slightly growling as jake walked backwards to face the upcoming sound. Grey black and brown standing together. 

sniffing the air slightly I growled at the scent I caught.. Alexander, his parents and many warriors....

Growling loudly I whirl around running towards the lake, feeling sean and jake following behind me, howls of challenge could be heard from far away, taking a left i slam on the breaks, standing there was my pack growling at the three of us, looking back there stood the royals , There wasn't really a way out at the moment.

Stepping forward I growled a challenge towards them, barring my teeth to show my bravery, shaking out my black coat reflecting off the orange sun rays to show my height, raising my hackles to show my commitment. I wouldn't back down, my reign depended on me even if they didn't know that I was alive.

A white wolf stepped forward barring his teeth back at me standing at his full hieght, I knew this was Alexander, his ego could be spotted a mile away. stepping forward we began to circle eachother waiting for a move to be made, his parents watching me with distaste as i pawed the ground.

lunging at him, we crashed against eachother not knowing what the outcome would be 


hey guys,

sorry for the long wait, i've been crazy busy and with a bit of writers block

I hope you guys enjoy, comment what you think.

- Love L

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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