its a boy?!

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hi and welcome to my story for ace attorney im writing this while i brainstorm for more ideas for my other story. now i am fairly new to ace attorney infact i havent played the games *dodges sharp objects* HEY HEY HEY i was gonna say yet. i have the trilogy on switch and will get to them *looks to huge mountin of video games spanning multiple consoles and sweat drops* eventually but i have watched the anime and i know its not the best thing to go off of and the fact i havent finnished it yet im going off the things iv gotten from there im currently on season 2 ep 16. now i wanna state some things in this story this story misty fey wont disappear you will see why in this very chapter

2. Mia and Maya will be a bit closer to age only bout 3-5 years and be a bit younger for the purpose of the story and pearl will be born a bit earliar too

3. now i dont have a complete plan for this story but i do have an ending planned... mostly

4. now i dont exactly know the dates for each event but this chapter is set 6 months after the dl6 incident  

with that out of the way onwards!!!!!!!!

it was all but quiet in kurain village as the head of the Fey clan Misty Fey was screaming in pain as she gave birth to her 3rd child. her children 15 year old Mia fey and her sister 12 year old Maya fey waited outside the room worried for their mother. with them was morgan fey who was pregnant herself .

"will you two calm down your mother will be fine this is natural"

Maya looked at her aunt "we know but we cant help it" Mia held her sister closer and returned her attention to the door waiting for the news. soon the screams were replaced with a babys cry. Mayas head snapped towards the door both her and Mia ready to bolt to the door but stopped by morgan "wait" she said sternly then a few moments later a nurse came out "the baby is fine but...."

"but?" questioned morgan. the nurse looked at the girls sadly "the mother didnt make it" the girls gasped in horror at the news as tears began to escape their eyes. however morgan did not seemed phased the nursed approached Maya and Mia and crouched to their level "would you like to see your new baby brother?" she smiled. they looked at her their attention previously to the floor. "brother?" they asked. the nurse mearly nodded and held out her hands for them which they took and proceeded to walk into the room where their brother was with their aunt following behind them mumbleing " perfect one disgrace replaced with another".

There was not much in the room besides a bed a few medical equipment which was currently being put away and a cot which held the new born. the girls noticed a sheet on the bed covering their mother. they wanted so badly for her to get up and hug them but they knew it would never happen. the nurse regained their attention and takes them to the cot. they peer inside and see wrapped in a bundle a small baby boy fast asleep unaware of what was happening around them. Mia and Maya were mesmerised by the small form before them. one question remained on therir minds though Maya looked towards morgan "aunt morgan whats a brother? "

"it is like a sister but a boy instead of a girl" 

"oh" replied Maya and returned her attention to the baby she decided to reach her hand out to touch it but she was stopped by Mia "don't youl wake him" Maya pouted "but he's cute" but before Mia couold respond the baby started to wiggle they both turned back to him and as they did so he opened his eyes they revealed sky blue eyes stareing right back at them. both parties didn't do anything until Mia started to realsise somthing the baby looked... scared so she went into big sister mode "hey hey its ok" she said gently "we wont hurt you" he didn't look convinced. "yea we'r your big sisters" she then reached in and rested her hand on him he did nothing for awhile but then he smiled a toothless smile at them to which they returned. Maya looked to the nurse "can we hold him please" she asked excitedly the nurse chuckled "yes but be careful.

Maya smiled wide and turned back to the baby who was being picked up by Mia once she had him securely in her arms he yawned and snuggled into into her making sure he was comfortable. both Mia and Maya couldn't help but go awwwwww. morgan wasn't as enthusiastic and looked at the doctor as he finished packing his equipment " what is its name?" the doctor looked at her and cleaned his glasses " before she passed Mrs Fey said his name was Alex" overhearing him the girls looked back at their sleeping brother in Mia's arms "we will always protect you Alex" promised Mia "yea and anyone who hurts you gets one of these" and raised a fist to show her point. they also promised to show him as much love as they could to make up for the loss of their mother and father this they swore.

well thats it for now tell me what you think and be honest and tell me if i need improvements like grammer and writing thanks

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