1. ryan mcmahon

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for DancingWithSebastian

Rachel smiles as she opens the door to her and Ryan's first house together. Ryan quickly joins her inside, they admire all the decor and how it's set up.

"I'm so sad that we can't spend the first week in this house together" Rachel sighs, "It's so pretty"

"I'm so sorry love, I can call my skipper and ask for this series off so we can have at least a few days together" Ryan offers

"Ryan McMahon, you know I would never ever ask you to sacrifice baseball, it's your whole life, you're living your dream" She smiles, hugging her boyfriend

"Rachel Story, you're my whole life and it wouldn't be a dream without you" He sighs

"I love you for that but I'm not letting you skip this series, it's one of your biggest ones yet, the team needs you babe"

The couple sit down on their new couch, "If that's the case then, I have to leave in 3 hours"

"Well, let's spend these 3 hours, cuddling and enjoying each other's company to make up for this next week" Rachel smiles

Sadly, the 3 hours past and now Ryan had to head to the stadium and get ready to leave, Rachel knew she'd rather have Ryan here with her but she promised herself she'd never let their relationship distract him from baseball.

She sighed as she handed him his phone, tears building up in her eyes

"I'll call you as soon as I land in Chicago" Ryan assures her, Rachel nods her head 'okay'

"Play good, I'll be watching" She half smiles, "I love you so much"

"I love you more" Ryan says as he leans down to her height and kisses her, "This week will fly by"

"I hope so" She giggles

And with that Ryan was headed to Chicago to play the Cubs for 3 then to LA to face the Dodgers for 4

It's 4 days into Ryan being gone and Rachel feels exhausted, overwhelmed and stressed, she's been unpacking the whole time he's been gone. She can't handle anymore, so much boxes, nothing looks right where it's supposed to be. Rachel is so aggravated with everything and she doesn't know what to do anymore, she sits on her floor, watching a re-air of last nights Rockies game and cries.

She decides to look for her phone to call Ryan, maybe hearing his voice will help her calm down, she quickly taps his contact and waits for his answer.

It doesn't come.

Rachel becomes more stressed playing every worse case and scenario in her head, is Ryan okay? Is he hurt? Why isn't he answering? She tries to call him one more time.

No answer.

She scrolls down and taps her brother's contact, if he doesn't answer, she's flying to Los Angeles, Trevor doesn't miss a phone call.

After a couple rings, she feels a sigh of relief.

"Hello? Rachel?"

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