The thrills of a gun

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Time stood still. Everything stood still. My breathing was slow and painful, and it seems I forgot what winking was.

My target came into a view. I'm not sure if he has seen the laser of my sniper baby. But I didn't care nonetheless.

I exhaled and fired; I watched him crash to the floor, I felt proud of my accomplishment, there was also another emotion that I didn't know.

I didn't wait, I needed to hurry up, they would start searching the surrounding area and I could risk staying here any longer.

I opened the guitar case; yes, guitar case. And swiftly but gently put my gun inside.

I put on the pink glasses and put my hair up in a messy bun, I applied a generous amount of lipgloss and blusher, I never really understood why girls had to put make up on, it's a waste of time, it wastes my time. I quickly put on my green parka coat and stood up. I checked the time on my watch as I turned around. Oh I had no idea.

"Not so fast honey, you just killed my boss."

He just stood there, leaning against the door frame. His eyes stood out the most, they were the lightest shade of blue grey. My stomach did a double back flip it seems, oh how nice.

"Just joking, that's not my boss."
He smirked
"But that doesn't change the fact that you just killed someone."

His face turned dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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