The New Arrivals

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5:30 pm, Thursday, January 18th, 1985

They looked like ghosts, with skin whiter than the clouds. Tangled, dirty hair. The smell of sewage filled the air.

Andi(a.k.a my best friend and p.i.c. 5'4, 14,  part of troop 4b)-who the hell are those people?

Me(Robin, 15, 5'6, part of troop 4b)- I dont know, probably the volunteers...or the prisoners whatever they call it.

The Mind Games- a test for the strongest people to prove themselves to be able to join the army(its a big honor to be in the army and being able to be apart of troop B. The test is not only physical but mental)

William(My boyfriend 15, 5'8, gorgeous black curly hair and dark, brown eyes, part of troop 4b)-Do you think I'll have to volunteer, and potentially get myself killed.

Me- Don't talk like that Will!

Andi- I dont know he is tall...

Me- Andi for one in you life shut the hell up! It's not like Will is buff and packed with muscle. You'll be fine Will.

Will- *gives a sad smile* thanks Robin, what about you though, I mean you've got some muscle.

Andi- Hey dickhead dont scare her like that! Robin, you'll be fine, *kisses my head and winks*

Me- No your right, I might be chosen, I mean I'm not only physically strong but mentally, I passed the mentality test back in 81', so they might consider me.

Will- Robin, no don't talk like that. I wont let you go though the test.

Me- And if I am chosen, how are you going to stop the bastards, it's not like you can just fight your way to me, if they choose me, they choose me. End of discussion.

*I walked back to the tent where  me, Will, Andi, John(15, 5'6, totally gay but isn't out yet, troop 4b) and Maylie(13, 4'11, badass and bi, troop 4b) all sleep/live to fix some dinner, if you can call it that. Every day we have a slice of white bread for breakfast, turnip stew for lunch, and rice with steamed brocolli for

Will- *walking into the tent* are you going to make us some dinner?

Me- *chopping the brocolli* yeah, I though I'll go ahead and make it so just inca-

*I was cut of from my sentence with a soft kiss.*

Will- *In a whisper* Robin, I love you, I don't care if you dont love me, I love you...*he was crying, his forehead pressed against mine* I will NOT let you die. *he slowly pressed his lips to mine*

Me- *in between sobs* I d-dont even know if in going to be ch-chosen, it-its going to be ok...I pro-promise...

*Just then the horn blew, the signal to meet up at the stadium. It was time to choose the athletes to compete in the mind games.*

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