Alice and her Rabbit

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I have found you, my Alice.

I shall be the rabbit,

that will lead your way into Wonderland.

So then you can be happy.

I hope we stay together forever.

Forever in the forest of Wonderland.

Where I will lead the way,

and you'll follow my tracks.

It was 3 in the evening, and you are able to learn a few English and Dutch words fairly quickly, you even learned how to walk and run, which made you happy. You walked in the hallway, feeling a bit bored. You wanted to go outside already, but Sieglinde told you not to, at least not yet...

You decided to go to the library and look at pictures at picture books, after all, you couldn't read yet.

But as you were heading your way there, you felt a sharp pain in your head, you closed your eyes and waited it to pass. It lasted for a couple of seconds, than it disappeared, you opened your eyes again, only to see a man with white hair and purple eyes, he seems to be wearing a butler outfit like Sebastian, but different.

"I have finally found you, (y/n)." he said as he smiled gently.

You noticed this voice before, it was the voice that spoke to you when you were sleeping.

"You... voice?" you said in english, but had difficulty saying.

"Yes, I am. It is I, Hiram, your personal butler." he said with a bow.

"" you said softly, then stared at the butler as you smiled, mostly cause you finally get to met the man that was always by your side when you were asleep, "Hiam!"

"Who are you?" Sieglinde said in Dutch as she sat on Wolfram, Wolfram growled at the stranger, who did noting but smile.

"My apologies madam, I'm Hiram, (y/n)'s butler." Hiram bowed at the two, also speaking in fluent Dutch.



Ciel, Sieglinde, and you sat as Sebastian poured tea. You stared at the tea as it gave a rose scent, then at Hiram, about to tell the others of you and how you came to be.

"As you see, Mistress (y/n) was once long ago with a happy family and life with a huge company her parents owned, but it had all went to ruins after the terrorism came." Hiram began in first Dutch, than English, "I ran away along with the Mistress, trying to keep her safe, but alas, we have separated after a storm."

"I see," Sieglinde said, "I have found (y/n) in the forest, in a foggy day along with Wolfram. But she was sleeping in the glass case when I found her, so I had Wolfram take her and pour preservative water in that case to keep her from rotting."

"I see, well then, I thank you for that," Hiram said as he bowed in thanks, "I shall now take her back, then she'll take as the next heir to the company."

"Shall I have the two of you stay at my mansion then?" Ciel said, "You don't have a place to stay yet, do you?"

"No, we do not, I thank you then." Hiram bowed one last time.

You smiled at Hiram, you only were able to make out some of the words of their conversation, but you knew that this will be a fun life.


The four of you left Werewolf forest after Ciel had finished his case about it, you felt sad, but at the same time excited because you are outside!

You talked to the four servants Ciel had brought along from his mansion, they were a happy bunch and made you laugh, although Snake's snakes were a bit scary, you tried to bear with your fear and later on liked them.

Once you reached the mansion, Hiram got off and held out his hand to help you out of the carriage, you gladly accepted. You stared at the mansion, it was larger than the one Sieglinde has, and so you started walk in as Sebastian opened the door. The inside was beautiful, you loved every bit of it!

"Sebastian, lead (y/n) to her room, than prepare dinner." Ciel sighed as he took off his hat.

"Yes, my lord." he bowed and escorted you to your room, Hiram followed.

"Wow..." you softly said, the walls were painted (f/c) as it had a closet, table and chairs, balcony, and a large bed.

"Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes." Sebastian said as he checked his watch, "Please wait here until then."

"I shall help you, as a fellow butler and servant." Hiram said as he followed Sebastian.

You sighed as you went out the balcony, the view was pretty, you could even see the garden! You could see the beautiful red roses and white daisies, you even saw the young, blond-haired boy named Finnian. You called out to him and waved as he waved back. You heard a knock at your door, and as you opened it, it was Ciel.

"I figured you might be bored," Ciel said as he held a box and a chess board, "Shall we play together?"

You stared at the board, "Don't..." you struggled.

Ciel found you adorable as you tried to find the right words, he grinned and nodded, "I shall teach you how to play."

Meanwhile, while Hiram and Sebastian were walking to the kitchen, Sebastian stopped, which caused Hiram to stop as well, wondering why Sebastian did so.

"You're not human," Sebastian said as he turned around, his eyes now red, "but you're not a demon nor a death god either, what are you?"

Hiram chuckled as his eyes turned red too, "I cannot tell you that, dear demon of the crow, because it wouldn't be as fun. Don't worry though, I'm not here to harm anyone, after all, what I said was true, I am Mistress (y/n)'s butler."

Sebastian smirked as well, finding this interesting, "I see then, let the game begin."

"Yes, let the game begin." Hiram chuckled, his eyes growing a deeper red.

You were having difficulty choosing your next piece, since Ciel had the winning hand, and the fact that you had just learned this game a few minutes ago. Ciel waited patiently for your move, but you just couldn't decide, so you choose to move your king forward.

"Checkmate." Ciel said as he moved his knight, "It wasn't bad for your first game."

You smiled awkwardly, having to admit defeat. Ciel smiled and walked over, held your hand and lightly kissed it.

"I hope we can play again sometime." he smiled.

You felt your face getting warm and your chest tight, you could almost hear your heart beating quickly and loudly. You wondered what this feeling was, and why did it happen when Ciel kissed your hand. Many questions arose your head as Sebastian knocked on the door, telling the young lord and mistress that dinner is ready.

I see that I have some competition here...

But do not worry,

I shall erase whatever unnecessary feeling you have for him.

So you're eyes can only look at me.

So please, do me a favor,

and fall only in love with me.

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