Chapter 10

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Published: April 18, 2020
Rewritten: September 7, 2022

"Charades?" Yoongi parroted in an unamused tone, raising a brow.
"I think it sounds fun." You piped up.
"Uh, yeah, I mean, it does sound kinda fun I guess." Yoongi muttered, going back on what he previously said.
"So, who's going first?" Hoseok asked, looking excitedly around the room.
"Ooh! Ooh! Me! I'll go first!" Taehyung's hand shot up in the air. "Pick me, pick me!"
The bubbly dancer scanned the room, narrowing his eyes.
"Me please. Me. Me."
Taehyung stood up and walked to the middle of the room, straightening his posture.
"Okay! Uhhh..." He brought his hand up to his chin as he thought. "Ah! Got it."
He started walking around the room, dragging one foot behind him as he walked lopsided.
"Zombie." Yoongi mumbled.
"Ugh." Taehyung frowned. "No fair. I did a hard one."
"That wasn't hard." Yoongi scoffed.
"Okay fine, you go then."
"I don't want to. Shooky you go."
Shooky walked to the front of the living room.

He started moving his small arms around elaborately, trying to describe something.
"Round." Yoongi stated.
"Circle!" Namjoon shouted.
"Ball!" Hoseok exclaimed.
"No, no, beachball!" Jungkook piped up.
Shooky let out a sigh and continued moving his arms.
"Bowling ball!" You guessed.
"Wheel!" Taehyung called.
"Sun! Moon!" Jimin exclaimed.
"Dumpling!" Jin said.
Chimmy and Mang seemed to be shouting things too, but nothing was right.

Shooky was clearly annoyed that no one was guessing right and started making angry sounds as he jumped up and down moving his arms even faster in an attempt to describe the person or thing he had in mind.
"Pingpong ball!" Hoseok said.
That was the tipping point for the little cookie. Shooky yelled in frustration and stomped off, too upset to keep playing.
"I think we're bad at this game." Hoseok mentioned.
"You all made him angry." Yoongi grumbled and got up from the couch, going after the small cookie.
"There goes that idea." Taehyung sighed. "Now what?"
Chimmy, who was sitting in Jimin's lap, moved over to sit in yours. You grinned at the dog's clinginess.
Cooky made his way across the couch over to you and pushed Chimmy off your lap so he could sit there instead.
You gasped at his actions.
"Cooky!" Jungkook exclaimed.
Cooky latched onto your waist as Jungkook stood up, making his way over. He grabbed the small bunny, yanking him off you.
"You and I need to have a talk." He said sternly.

When Jungkook walked off, you turned to look at Chimmy to check up on him. Jimin had the small dog in his arms, cradling him like a child.
"Chimmy, are you okay?" You asked softly.
He frowned, shaking his head.
You scooted closer to Jimin until your shoulders were touching. In the moment, that didn't bother you, as you were much more concerned about the teary-eyed character. Chimmy made himself comfortable in between the both of you, curled up tightly. You softly pet the top of his head in an attempt to comfort him.
"I wonder why Cooky would do something like that?" Yoongi wondered aloud.
"Yeah. I thought they were all supposed to be friends?" Hoseok added.
"Me too." Taehyung pouted.

Namjoon watched you as you talked with Jimin, laughing every once in a while at something he said.
It made him feel a little sad. It was obvious you liked Jimin—painfully obvious. The entire group could see how you felt... except Jimin. He unconsciously let out a sigh.
Namjoon has always told himself that if you ever choose to be with Jimin, he'll be happy. Your happiness is the only thing that matters.

Koya noticed the sudden change in Namjoon's demeanor, making him look up at the leader and tug on his shirt. Namjoon glanced down at the small koala, giving him a smile and a thumbs up as a way to say, "It'll be okay."
Namjoon smiled and gave Koya a soft pat on the head.

Cooky sat on the bed, a displeased look on his face as he looked down at his lap, his tiny arms crossed over his chest. After the rambunctious bunny got pulled out of the living room, he got put in Jungkook's room where he received a lecture.

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