The Last Word

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The servants in the Daoming mansion awoke with a start to loud voices being heard in the hallway.

"You're an idiot!" came the shrill voice of the new Mrs Daoming.

"Didn't I already tell you that I'm the world's biggest idiot? And I proved myself right tonight by letting you go to that lame-ass reunion!" bellowed the voice which they knew all too well.

"Who and what are you calling lame?" Shancai yelled back at him.

Without a second warning, Si had grabbed her by the arm and pulled her, no dragged her, back to their bedroom. Upon reaching, he gently pushed her inside and closed the door behind him.

"Shancai, we've made enough ruckus to wake everyone in this household," he now spoke calmly and evenly, narrowing his eyes at her. "Let's discuss this in a more civil manner."

Shancai scoffed at him. "I don't see the point in discussing, you know I always get the last word."

Si smirked at her, "We'll see about that."

Five hours earlier...

Shancai paraded in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom, frowning at her reflection. The dress she was wearing was a stunning number, a dark blue, off shoulder gown, something her husband had insisted on buying for her to wear for this occasion. It was her high school class reunion. She, as usual, felt that it was too much money to pay for just a dress, but Si had not taken her word for it, saying how beautiful his wife looked in the dress. He now stepped out of the bathroom, pausing in the doorway to admire her, and chuckling to himself at how she was wrinkling her nose in the mirror.

Shancai suddenly felt her husband wrap his arms around her from behind. His skin was still damp from the shower and the smell of his aftershave was making her dizzy. He nuzzled his face in the back of her neck, peppering small kisses from her neck down to her bare shoulders.

"Ah Si," she breathed, "you need to stop, or we will not make it to the reunion on time."

"Precisely my plan, love," Si replied, his lips still raining kisses on her shoulders. "How about we just stay in and forget about going?"

Shancai now wriggled out of his arms and turned around to face him. "But you promised!"

"I know, I know," he sighed. "I can never say no to you. Let's get dressed and get going. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave!"

"Thank you love," Shancai beamed at him, pressing a quick kiss on his lips.

The reunion was held at an swanky hotel in downtown Shanghai, which was owned by the Daoming group. As Si and Shancai entered the premises, hushed whispers could be heard amongst the hotel staff. "It's Chairman Daoming and his wife!"

As they walked into the room where the reunion was held, all eyes turned to look at the tall, dark and handsome man walking beside Shancai. Si knew he attracted attention. His good looks could never be ignored. But tonight, and every night from now when he was with Shancai, he realised that it was her turn to shine. He heard the excited chatter around him, "Isn't that Dong Shancai? I heard she married the owner of this hotel! She must be loaded! She looks gorgeous, and so elegant now!" Si basked in the admiring stares towards Shancai, and he pulled her tighter against him. He couldn't be prouder to have Shancai standing next to him.

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