Mirror, Mirror

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Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who's the fairest of them all?

From all the imperfections that you see, 

It most certainly cannot be me.

Mirror, mirror help me see,

The person that I desire to be.

With a stomach that’s barely there,

And thighs so thin and skin so fair.

Mirror, mirror what is love?

Why do you always remind me with a harsh shove?

That I'll never truly love myself anymore,

With all the haunting insecurities, why do you still add more?

Mirror, mirror why do you show me this?

A reflection of a monster, a liar, a rumored bitch.

Why do I see these lies about me?

Please just tell me the truth and let me be.

Mirror, mirror I thank you now.

For showing me this and showing me how,

To be the most perfect person I can possibly be,

Anorexia and bulimia is the best choice for me.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

I’ll be the fairest of them all.

After I do these horrible things to me,

I know I’ll be called gorgeous and finally be free.


AN: Comments and suggestions are much appreciated! This is the first time I ever wrote something on here so you are very much welcome to tell me anything I can do to improve my writing. :) But no hate please!

Oh and thank you Bob the Unicorn AKA IceCreamMonster for my cover and all the support! I LOVE YOU! <3

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