Blood Money

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'A grin made for war and eyes flecked with ash, striding, powerful into the arms of death.'


Hadrian positively seethed - he was no longer hidden behind the dark cloaks of anonymity. The silent infiltration of this criminal underworld was now overtly loud - thanks to Jerebko. At least the man never knew his real name, Jerebko had always addressed him as Mr.P - short and simple. Hadrian walked down the narrow alley, his feet silent, his face tense. The sun was still shining - bright, hot and humid. Alec walked just behind him close but not too close - leaving Hadrian to his thoughts. Wiping the blood off his chin, Alec's face was composed yet a flicker of something shone through, remorse?

Hadrian stopped short, turning on his heels to face Joval and Aver who had both lit a cigarette. Clouds of smoke rose into the air, but disappeared quickly due to the afternoon heat. Hadrian breathed in the fumes, the rich intoxicating scent of the tobacco momentarily calmed the parts of his mind that were raging, groaning and loud. He had missed that smell, it had only been a couple of weeks since his last cigarette and he already craved the fleeting peace and absolute clarity that came with it.

"Take the body and post it right through their fucking letterbox," Hadrian stated, staring at Joval and Aver fiercely.

Joval and Aver suddenly became more engaged, the lights of their eyes lit up with adrenaline. This chemical rush that always, even throughout history, was in union with the prospect of war, took hold. Hadrian held out his hand patiently, Joval stared at it for a moment before placing a cigarette and a silver zippo lighter into the open palm. Hadrian needed this, if he was going to focus he needed it. Hadrian lit up the cigarette and inhaled desperately. He had started smoking at Hogwarts only just this past year, however, tobacco hadn't been his first vice. The parties leading up to Christmas had been a mass of drugs and alcohol. The first time Hadrian took Cocaine he snorted it, the next time he smoked it - the needles came later. It became normal to spread a dusting of the chalky white powder across his gums on a Monday morning, even more normal to be excused from class to inject the opioid into his veins.

"Post him, for real?" Aver double checked.

Joval rolled his eyes and smacked his friend on the back of the head. Aver yelped out, grabbing his head innocently, rubbing the pain away.

"No, we're not going to actually post him through the letterbox you dick, it was a metaphor," Joval explained condescendingly, using his hands.

Aver looked at Hadrian confused, he didn't understand. However, Hadrian just stared off into the distance, his eyes resting on the street floor as the cigarette sat between his lips - his mind working overtime. A few quiet minutes passed.

"Send him back to where he came from. We know their hideouts within the city, pick one," Alec had stepped forward, taking over.

Hadrian didn't blink, letting his brooding friend to decide, he had other things to worry about. He didn't realise Joval and Aver had left until Alec stepped next to him, uttering his name. Hadrian raised his heavy head, focusing his eyes, his mind still running.

"What are you thinking about?" Alec asked, abnormally curious.

Hadrian's eyes found Alec, surprised at his inquisitiveness - to answer the question, he was thinking of everything. He thought of every outcome, every consequence. He was playing with fire and everything was on the line, especially now that he had so many eyes on him. Dumbledore, despite never having conversed with him before, seemed to have it out for him - plans and strategies were made behind the shadow of his parents.

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