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Alexis is in the bathroom looking at her bruises from her husband when her daughter comes in

Jazmine mommy why you all bruised up

Alexis no reason baby girl go play

Jazmine okay mommy and daddy wants you in the room right now she runs out the room

Alexis yes baby

Dustin slaps her

Alexis what was that for

Dustin why the fuck is their a condom wrapper in our bed bc I know for a fuckin fact this shit ain't mine bc I'm not wearing condoms with you

Alexis it's not mine babe honest

Dustin Alexis Monique breeding are you cheating on me

Alexis starts crying no

Dustin are you lying to me

Alexis walks to him and wraps her arms around his neck no baby I'm not lying I will never cheat on you

Dustin ok I trust you grabbing her ass and tongue kissing her

Alexis tongue kissing back

Dustin lays on the bed still kissing Alexis and gripping her ass

With kelly and Tiffany

Kelly baby

Tiffany what

Kelly I'm bored let's walk out side with no clothes since it's hot

Tiffany ok

----------------------------------- told you they strange anyways end of chapter

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