An Angel's Promise

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Michael's POV

(haven't heard from him in a while)

It's just another day unless you count the fact that Linnea and Kaitou KID are planning a heist. They plan their sights on the Diamond Fairy in the Fairytale Mansion of Luxury or FML.

Gabriel and Laila have been talking nonstop about preparations for our departure. I look at the tiny device on my arm and sigh.

What looks like a watch on my wrist is actually a monitor. And what does it monitor?

How long we have left in this world.

I'll let you discover why later, but all you need to know is that we aren't allowed here forever and soon we're going to have to leave. We've been trying to get the twins prepared and independent, but that's been proven difficult. Linnea has called Laila everyday and needs her company. She's always asking for advice and she doesn't seem to feel confident in any decision she makes. Linnea hasn't been completely truthful and we've discovered her condition. She needs much attention, however her dependency too is concerning. She tries to convince ever herself that she doesn't need anyone, yet she needs someone by her side.

As for Livie.....

She's always getting into trouble, whether it be in pursuit of a murderer or Poison. She's got the smarts in this detective world of her, but she doesn't listen at all.

Author-chan is actually really lazy, so I'm explaining everything. You are just going to have to trust me on this though. I guess you'll get to see more of their lives and what relationships are, but she just wants to write and doesn't think things through at all. So the reason you haven't heard from us is because she's just way too lazy to write interactions. Too much plot and not enough development or explanation if you ask me, but I'm getting off topic...

Livie uses that orb way too much in my opinion. She's always disappearing behind the murderer and stepping into cautioned off areas. This always ends up terribly and either I or Michael has to save her. Not to say Conan isn't helpful, but....

He's pretty useless when it comes to fighting someone with a gun. He's supposed to get better, but for now he isn't used to this 7 year old setup and is pretty much only good for solving the cases that adults are too close minded to see.

Just then my phone rings

"This is Conan Edogawa, do you read Angel-sama"

"Yes this is he"

"Bluebell is missing, she stowed away with a member of Poison"

Case and point. This kid is useless, can't even keep track of Bluebell!

"Where is she!"

"I've been tracking her badge for several hours, the vehicle has only stopped once it's safe to assume their headed for the main HQ"

"Are you KIDDING ME!"

I don't know who to be more angry. Livie for sneaking off on a dangerous mission of her own or Conan and his friends for not being able to protect her. This is the exact reason I told them I'd come on their picnic at the beach. But no, Livie lied about the time they were leaving and left before I had the chance to follow them.

"They are using an underground path, that's why they aren't stopping and most likely headed towards America, I've contacted the police, however I doubt they'll be able to do anything about this"

"You're right about one thing, the police won't do anything. Send me her g.p.s coordinates and I'm heading out"

"Can't do that"

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