Chapter 35

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Times were not always so bleak

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Times were not always so bleak. Once upon a time, I had everything I could possibly ever want. But life changes, and there's nothing one can do to prevent those changes. All we can do is adapt and overcome and pray to the gods for compassion.

One memory that had been lingering in my mind so much recently, was not of any particular import. It was no remarkable tale, nothing to boast to future generations. And yet, it was one of my most treasured memories.

"Boo!" I yelled, jumping out from behind a tree with a huge grin. My sword was held out, ready to attack, but in a playful manor.

"Signy?!" Ivar sounded utterly exasperated as we began to spar, steel upon steel.

"Come on, you won't kill your enemies like this!" I jested.

Ivar only grumbled in response, "I'm not trying to kill you, am I?" His sarcasm was almost venomous. Almost. I knew he was enjoying this moment as much as I.

Ivar managed to trip me up with a swift blow to my legs. I tumbled down, back flat against the ground. The young Prince made sure he'd won by pressing an axe to my throat, a small competitive smile plastered on his face as he smugly realised he'd won. We were only about fourteen at the time.

"Next time I'll beat you." I grinned cheerily.

"Maybe." He replied all too apathetically.

With that, I plastered on a fake pout. "I'll be a great warrior one day, Ivar The Boneless, just you wait! I'll be a damn Queen!" I hadn't fully processed the words at the time but the idea of becoming someone important made me feel better about my present shortcomings.

However, as the words "I'll be a damn Queen" left my lips, I noted a small shine in my best friends eyes. He smiled slightly, in that way he'd always managed to do (a smile without really smiling. A smile through the eyes and the soul more than through the lips) and said, "I know".

Two simple words but as the laughter died down and our celebrations slowed, those words meant more and more to me. I just wished to the Gods that I'd noticed it sooner. Noticed the way he looked when he heard me say that, the little glimmer of hope he held as he thought about us on a throne. If only I'd known all these things back then. Perhaps everything would be far less complicated now.

But that's life, is it not? We always say "if only" and "what if" when we should be thinking about what is. One cannot change the past, they can only learn to live with the present that they were given. Life is never as simple as we wish, but that's what makes it so special. Our journey is who we are, our fates are predetermined. We cannot change our destiny. And, as I sailed towards the Parisian coast, I had no idea that I was sealing the prophecy that the seer had foretold to me all that time ago when I was still a girl.

Another short chapter before Paris and the War. Are y'all ready? I'm not. I low key don't wanna say goodbye to this book yet. Love y'all. That you so much again for everything. I'm so lucky to have each and every one of you here reading this.
Peace and love

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