Best Course of Action

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That's when I decided I couldn't work anymore. I stopped showing up for my shifts. My boss must've been concerned because the police eventually showed up at my doorstep. Part of me wondered if they were familiars too, but they seem to be okay. They interviewed me asking if I was on anything. I wasn't on drugs. I'm not that kind of person. I was stable. I had a good sense of judgment. That's how I noticed the Lightless Ones. They will drive anyone crazy. The police determined there was nothing wrong with me and decide to leave me alone. Now, I could stay safe. I covered every window with curtains and taped tinfoil to prevent the Lightless Ones from seeing inside. Rarely do go I go outside. Anytime I take a peek through the glass to the outside world, I see them. I tried to take photographs, but they always come out blurry. They must have some sort of electromagnetic field that distorts technology. It makes you wonder: are they aliens? Other dimensional beings? Or am I merely suffering from paranoid delusions? I have no answers. I tried to connect with others on the Internet – the world shrinking device – to see if anyone else has seen the Lightless Ones. There are similar stories. Some of these people also believe in Bigfoot. Where else was I going to turn to? It's not like anyone else locally saw sees them. At least I can vent to people on message boards. That is one good thing about the ever-shrinking world, it connects those who are trapped. The Lightless Onesa choose who they show themselves to. They select specific people to be their familiars and they sure as hell aren't going to convert me. I'll fight this to the bitter end.

This is where I find myself today. Alone. I document as much of it as I can online. I wonder if the Lightless Ones are getting smarter, or if my judgment is getting worse. Either way, I have had a difficult time determining who is a familiar and who is not. I stay away from the outside world and people. I don't know who is a familiar. The Lightless Ones also have better forms of camouflage. I've seen half human and half otherworldly. Hybrids. They are evolving. I question how much longer can fend them off. As the months go by, I begin to understand why my mom ended her own life. It may be the only route of escape if I don't want to be absorbed. This is what I contemplate, as I sit on my bathroom floor, writing this note with one sweaty hand, and the other holding my pocketknife.

 This is what I contemplate, as I sit on my bathroom floor, writing this note with one sweaty hand, and the other holding my pocketknife

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