Case 2 -Who killed Min?

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3rd person POV

"Bye baby, i ll see you in the evening." He said as he planted a kiss on his wife's forehead .
"Bye bye." She replied as she looked at her husband with love in her eyes...

The door shut as her husband left for work..
It was 8 a.m in the morning and just like usual she continued her usual routine , made her bed , took a shower, fed their pet dog....

He tapped his fingers on the car steering as he waited for his prey to show up..
"Finally you are here." He muttered to himself as he saw his victim's car..
His prey finally got out of his car and started to walk towards the building...
"Come on be quick, i don't have much time ." He said as he smirked ...
"1.2.3" he counted "aha there you go." He spoke as he saw his prey taking out his mobile from his pocket and then talking on it ...
"Let me take you down." He said as he pressed on the accelerator , the engine roared as the car paced and before he knew he ran over him...
"Its done finally." He clapped in his car pulling a hideous laugh as he once again pressed the accelerator and sped off...

"Ring ring"
The phone rang
"Hello?" She said
"Ma'am, i want to talk to Mr Jung min ,can you hand him the phone?" The person said
"Um actually he left for work one hour ago.." she replied
"Really, but he didn't arrive yet... he usually arrives on time, i thought maybe he took an off so i decided to discuss about an important meeting with him on call but since he wasn't picking up so i decided to call on the house phone." He stated
"Really? Maybe he is stuck in traffic or his battery is low so he isn't picking up." I told him
"Yeah, that could be possible , okay then i ll wait for him." He answered finally cancelling the call..

1 hour later

"I guess he reached his office already." She smiled speaking to herself ..
"Ring ring" the phone rang again
"Ma'am its me again, Mr jung Min hasn't arrived yet and i already checked the routes he usually take and there are no signs of any traffic.." he stated sounding concerned

"Really!!okay i ll try to reach him." Worry took over her as she realised it has already been 2 hours and he still hasn't reached...

She dialled his number
"The number you are trying to reach is currently switched off." She tried multiple times but to no avail
Did something happen to him? She thought to herself ...
She decided to check for herself..
she opened her gate but stopped in her tracks as she saw some men in front of her
"Hello we are police" they said
"Could you please come with us ?." They asked
"But why??" Her heartbeat started to beat faster as she already realised what could have happened
"We found a body and his valet  has this address written , we want you to recognise the body..." they stated

She fell to her knees there and then in front of them as her breath stopped , her heartbeat started to skip and she started hearing ringing sensations in her ears... she closed her ears making the police seem as if she was some kind of psychopath..
tears flowed down her eyes as she finally screamed ....
She knew who it would be... she knew it
She took off the white sheets off the body's face and it took her no second to realise who it was...yes it was her husband, the one and only man she had loved her entire life..
She screamed again, screamed at the top of her lungs , screamed as loud as loud as she could ...
The door burst opened as a nurse came and tried to console her....
she had lost the love of her life and she had nowhere to go and no purpose to live now...
2 days later

It had been two days since her husband death.Friends , colleagues , relatives, family..multiple people came every now and then to console her and to cheer her but to no avail.. she had already lost the most precious person of her life ..
"Why don't you file a complain to whoever hit your husband?that person should be responsible for what he did even though it was unintentional, he should take responsibility.." her mother told her
"Why mom , its not gonna bring min back." She said staring at something unseen..
"Come on, don't let his death go in waste, at least get him justice." Her mother said bringing her back to senses...

Maybe i should file a complain , she thought as she finally decided to file a complain.
"Sir you have a visitor" my assistant said with a problematic face

"Okay , allow them" he said

So what do you guys think?
Who will fight for her case??
Who is the lawyer now??

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