Anorexia is...

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Migraines, stomach pain, muscle weakness, shaky hands, blurry vision, unsteady focus, sobbing uncontrollably, self-hatred, passing out, dizziness, countless stares, screaming families, terrified friends, distorted mirrors, angry scales, disordered realities, failing organs, easy bruising, social withdrawal, starvation, coma, death.

But hey, you get skinny, right?

Wrong. You will never be skinny. You will look at yourself in the mirror every time you get the chance, and you will only see the FAT hanging over your jeans, the FAT clinging to your stomach, the FAT on your legs, your arms, EVERYWHERE. You will never be skinny, at least not in your mind. 

Also... many of those suffering with anorexia are either at a healthy weight, or over-weight. "Anorexic" is not, never has been, and never should be a synonym for "skinny".

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