Call Up

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"No, I like that one." Charlotte said.

"Honey, you liked them all." Camila said.

"Can we get one with a pool?" Chase asked.

"Like this one?" Camila asked showing him making him nod.

"Yeah, that one is cool too." Charlotte said.

"Then it's settled, we are going to be trying to get in this house by the end of this week. Pack up." Camila said and the ran off to their room.

3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, and everything. Camila called the number and they scheduled a plan. Going to her room to get dress out of her pajamas, her kids ran in chasing after each other.

Camila rolled her eyes and picked the outfit for the day, she's planning on meeting up with guy to keep her busy. Dinah agreed to watch the kids as she went out. After getting fully dressed, Dinah came and grabbed the kids.

"I'm regretting this every minute of the day." Dinah said picking up Charlotte.

"Cheech, it's just a friendly go out." Camila said.

"Okay, call me if something happens." Dinah said leaving as Camila waved to the kids.

Grabbing her important things, a car pulled up and the man who looks about her age maybe a year younger walks up to the house.

"Hi Camila." He said with a sweet smile standing by the door.

"Hi Shawn, looking handsome." Camila said.

"Thank you, you look beautiful." Shawn said holding out her hand and Camila took it.

"Are you Canadian?" Camila asked.

"Yes, how could you guess?" Shawn asked.

"Recognized the attributes." Camila said.

"I don't think I can guess where you're from." Shawn said.

"I'm Cuban Mexican American and thank you." Camila said getting in after Shawn opened the door for her.

"Wow, that's sounds like a lot and you're welcome." Shawn said.

"Where are we off to first?" Camila asked.

"Maybe movies than a dinner date?" Shawn asked.

"Okay." Camila said as they pulled off.

Skipping the date because I can't stand Shawmila and it's not because I'm a Camren shipper so don't attack me, my opinion about Shawmila has nothing to do with Camren.

"So, today was fun. Maybe a second date, eh?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, I'm happy that you took the kids thing okay." Camila said.

"Anything for a nice pretty lady." Shawn said.

It fell silent until she heard a groan from her best friend breaking the moment.

"Oh look, there she is so now leave me alone." Dinah said making Chase run to her.

"Mommy, Auntie Dinah wouldn't give me honey." Chase cried.

"Oh baby, you're allergic to it. If you eat that you'll possibly die and I can't have that." Camila said kissing his head as he put on a thinking face.

"Oh, sorry Auntie Dinah for calling you a big bird, you're actually a Beyoncé." Chase said with a big smile on his face and Dinah flipped her hair.

"Awe, thank you, now will you excuse me. I'm getting laid tonight." Dinah said pushing Shawn's head before getting in her car and drove away.

"Sorry about her, are you tired baby?" Camila asked picking up Charlotte who's yawning.

"Yeah, ew a boy." Charlotte said spitting at him.

"Charlotte, don't do that. Apologize." Camila said.

"No, I don't like boys because all they do is ending up hurtwing you Mama." Charlotte said and Chase looked at Shawn.

"Yeah, I don't like them either." Chase said sticking out his tongue.

"See ya Shawn." Camila said kissing his cheek before entering the house.

"Uh see ya, and I'm not a bad guy!" Shawn said as Chase closed the door.

"You two get ready for bed, you been on a bad behavior." Camila said.

"All I am saying is the twuth." Charlotte groaned walking with Chase to their bedroom.

Camila sighed and leaned back on the couch, running a hand through her hair. Closing her eyes for a minute, she gets a phone call.

"Hello?" Camila asked.

"Hi Camila, remember me?" Lauren asked making Camila sit up straight.

"Did Dinah give you my number Lauren?" Camila asked.

"Yeah and stop getting me off track, what would you say if you would like to work for me?" Lauren asked.

"Like?" Camila asked.

"Be my personal assistant, I need someone and I heard that you have a business degree so why not ask you before searching." Lauren said.

"What would personal assistant doing?" Camila asked biting her lip.

"Help make decisions for my company and things a personal assistant would do. I don't know, I never been a personal assistant before." Lauren said.

"When can I start?" Camila asked.

"How about tomorrow?" Lauren asked.

"That seems like a fair time for me, I have to go. My two trouble makers after my date with a guy are back." Camila said hanging up before Lauren could ever respond.

"I heard the name, is that the Lauwen from the ice cream place?" Charlotte asked.

"Stop ease dropping and come join me on this couch." Camila said grabbing a blanket.

They jumped and cuddled her as she put the blanket on them. Putting their heads on her lap, Camila began singing to them.

Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right

I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you
I don't wanna let go
I know I'm not that strong
I just wanna hear you
Saying baby, let's go home
Let's go home
Yeah, I just wanna take you home

Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you

When she finished singing, they were sleeping peacefully and Camila took a deep breath before closing her eyes.

A/N: Hold On - Chord Overstreet...

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